My Closet

Step into my closet!

C’mon have a good luck around!

people say eyes are the window to the soul

but that’s not what I have found

in here you’ll find my collection of jeans

most of them are the same

they’re similar for the most part

but are different brands and names

in here are all my winter sweaters

shoved and forced into the shelves

they’re well worn— that’s for sure

an old shell of their former selves

in here you’ll find my pairs of shorts

rolled up neatly in the drawer

half of them will never be worn

because they make me feel insecure

in here you’ll find my collection of backpacks

from preschool up till now

all dusty and filled with memories

untouched— it remains an unspoken vow

in here you’ll find my colorful shirts

some far too out there to wear

so for now I hold onto them tight

and hope that one day I’ll get there

in here you’ll find my dresses

some long, short, old, and new

some formal and some not

some hot pink and some navy blue

in here you’ll find my shoes

well worn and loved for all the walking they do

I hold onto each and every one of them

until my mother forces me to buy new

in here you’ll find a piece of me

a piece of my soul or heart

it may not be the whole picture

but it’s a big part

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