Foolish Corporate Meeting

P​acing around his bedroom, Brian's anxiousness was controlling him like a voodoo doll. Brian's company had scheduled an important meeting the next morning. A meeting that could jeopardize his career if it spiraled.

B​rian worked for the biggest beverage distribution in the country. His role of head of strategy was to make sure customers were familiar and enjoying each product on shelves in local retailers. The company's data showed that customers were starting to get bored with the drinks. They wanted something new and fun.

W​ith this meeting in the morning, Brian's job was to come up with a brand-new drink. Something customers loved and could drink anywhere at anytime.

A​ttempting to close his eyes and quiet his brain, Brian knew he wasn't getting much sleep. He had a couple ideas of new drinks and decided to role with one that could either make millions or get his ass fired.

S​tumbling into the office, Brian grabbed his laptop and walked up to give his presentation. His legs wobbled back forth. His eyes were wondering who to make eye contact with. The whole office was surrounded by corporate sharks money hungry to find the "next new big drink".

"Ladies and gentleman, I would like to thank you for your time to hear this idea for a new drink. This new drink I believe can revive our brand to our customers is called Liquid Death. Liquid Death is recyclable water for people who want an alternative to our old-fashioned beers. It has quality design and also perfect for concert goers." Brian explained while stuttering from nervousness.

"Let me stop you right there Brian. You're telling me you have us in here for this meeting for you to show us water in a can? Are you kidding me? You'd be an absolute fool to believe that would sell." Anthony, the CEO of the company, said in disbelief. "Pack up your bags you're fired."

B​rian's whole body became paralyzed. He was skeptic of the idea, but he didn't think it would go THIS bad.

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