Mr. Midnight

**"Happy birthday to you"**



**"Happy birthday to you..."**



**"Happy birthday dear-"**




** **


** My niece looks up at me, a knife on her Snow White themed table cover. **




** "Sweetie, it's not safe to have knifes around without adults with you." **


**She shakes her head, pointing to the corner of the room. I stare at the pink wallpaper, then back at her.**


**"What do you mean?" **


**She looks at me, annoyed. As if I should know what her toddler tantrum is about to be about this time.**


**"Mr. Midnight."**


**Not this again...why can't she be a normal child? **

**Play Princess.**


**Make friends.**


**Be sweet.**


**Not get on my FUCKING NERVES.**


**Just as soon as I raise my fist it's lowered again. **


**.... **


**.... **




**I'm thrown to the ground, a silhouette of a man growing closer and closer... **






**I can't see anything, I can only hear giggles.**


**Until I can't.**


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