The Road Untraveled

Some says it’s impossible

To go where others have been

Others never even tried

Through the Jagged mountains and steep slopes through the tall grasslands and the running streams

Through forests and towering trees

Deep in the tundra were everything is white as can be,

Across the rolling hills of farmland and land untouched by man as far as the eye can see plains and Ragged canyons

Across the sand dunes over the great blue ocean

Many people refuse to travel the roads no one took because it’s safer to play it safe

Those people never will feel the thrill of being

Miles up in the Sky rushing down to earth feeling your heart in your chest

Or climbing the highest mountain to see breath taking views

Or to go where the light doesn’t shine down under the ground where were stalagmite and stalactites form the jagged cave under water ponds just to find glowing moss

Even deeper into the ocean where the animals of every type or dangerous in their own ways killer wales orcas sharks and great blue whales

Going farther past the Great Barrier Reef where the pressure is so strong not many can see with human a eye

Down were even the light can’t help you the bottom of the ocean remains unseen

The road untraveled is a mystery to unravel

So will you walk the path Untraveled

Or will you go to places you could only dream of

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