Your character is a new staff member in a profession that is often undervalued, and has just entered the break room on their first day.

Try to include some dialogue within this story, the emotions of the co-workers, and the character's own thoughts.

Every Day Is A Bad Day.

It felt so frustrating, as if everyone looked down at you every moment of the day. As if I don’t actually have a job, I don’t actually have a family, i don’t actually work, I don’t actually.. well the list goes on. I wish I would stop getting treated like dirt, I think everyone here wishes that. The break room seemed to be the only place in the building I could relax, away from customers asking me about products and for directions, I wish I could stay here all day, but I know I can’t. “You’re in tomorrow.. the day after that as well, and-.. I’ll just send you the timetable.” My manager spoke to me, sipping on a coffee he’d just made, it seemed as if all he did was hand out work hours to everyone else, not actually doing anything in the store - well perhaps that’s what managers are supposed to do, I don’t know at this point, I’ve always assumed the clue was in the name. I think the bigger thing that irks me about this job, although it’s quite weird of me to say, is the names of the people working here. Sandy, who’s even called “Sandy”? Kyle, a basic name. Kurt, another one with a ‘k’ somehow. There’s so many strangely basic names here, as if they were randomly picked from some website generator to fit each other, maybe they made them up for the badges or something, I don’t know at this point. I think the stress is bringing out little details here and there, It’s only been a day and I already despise it here, I guess that’s a great start..
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