Inspired by Lou

Describe the colour of a character's soul.

You do not have to tell the reader who the character is; focus on description and metaphor.

Crimson Rainbow

She’s white

Like the beauty of a dandelion

She’s black

Like the shades of a horror

She’s gold

Like the mesmerizing view of a sunset

She’s green

Like the salad-y sight of a vomit

She’s blue

Like the warmth of the sky

She’s gray

Like the fades of a dead leaf

She’s brown

Like the earthy skin of worms

She’s Red

Like the sight of a fresh wound

She’s Rainbow

Like the vibrancy of love

She’s Crimson

Like the destructive force of hatred

She’s a Chameleon

Every hue, deliberate wear

A beauty, A Beast

A commendable shift

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