Your words wound me deeply,
But your silence hurts even more
I stared at your reflection
When you said ‘whatever’
Darling, I’d never forget those words
They lingered behind
Like the sweet-sour taste of a citrus
But I’d always have you as breakfast
I love Citrus
I love Pineapple
I always knew, I’ll fight for you
I text you at 3am, but you never reply
I text you at 4am
At 5am…At every am and...
In the darkness of the night we cried
Cornered in the room damaged
The darkness hid our tears
Our bodies hid our soulless hearts
We were messed
Our eyes strained
Our faces crunched
Our bodies shivered
We were damaged
Utterly ruined
We cried
We needed a respite
Then there was light
We let it sink in our souls
Brightening our hearts
And lifting our souls
Our eyes gleamed
Our faces jumped
No, I am not a butterfly
I am a moth
They made me aware
I am a moth
She was also made aware
She is a butterfly
They scowled when I flew toward them
Appalled by my presence
And grinned
When she flew towards them
Drawn to her presence
She was vibrant and colorful
I was dull and colorless
I concealed
During the day
Went out at night
Blending with the darkness
They retracted at my...
Your beauty
Bewildered me
Your intelligence
Bewitched me
Your smell
Hypnotized me
I wished you
Were mine
Yet you pass by me
Oblivious to my existence
I watched how
You walked
So captivating
I watched you
Till my feelings faded
Then you noticed me
But you were late
I got the most handsome
A Greek god
He walks in beauty
Legs in composure
A beautiful soul
I adore and che...
That smile
The palpable pain within
An ignored conflict
The fire surged
Burning inside
The stomach
The lips form
Into an incomprehensible smile
A facade undenied
The pain aroused
To the throat
The eyes moisturized
Yet dry
The facade stronger
The face glitters
The heart dims
A palpable pain
The external survives
The internal burns
A burning unquenched
Till ...
The heart screeched
Body forlorn
Piercing feelings
Doleful emotions
I was drowning
Legs chained
Hands tied
Nose masked
Eyes glued
I wept
Slowly dying
Heart stoned
The disease of
Yearning expectations
There was an ear
But hail to perfidy
I swallowed
The introverted power
I looked above
A creation imperial
The sun
During the day
The moon
The stars
At night
And timed
Sometimes I feel hallucinated
Sometimes I feel addicted
Sometimes I feel trifled
Sometimes I feel intoxicated
I’m haze and daze
My heart ablaze
Emotions diverge
Thoughts submerge
The uncertainty axiomatic
The certainty palpable
In light, explicit
In darkness, vague
Love is the lie that keeps us alive...
As I stepped my foot outside
Admiring nature
Such an elegant and magnificent creation
Feeling the breeze that howled under my ears
As I raised my head
The beauty of the sky
The brightness of the sirius that gleamed my eyes
The sky starred with silvery stars
And milky moons
As I lowered my head
The stream flow blowing out a hard-soft air under my feet
The coolness of the sea breeze
The vir...
Who am I?
As I walked through a stream of faces
Chills run down my spine
My skin begun to water
I fidgeted
Shuddered in fear
That I may be noticed
My throat dried like the leaves during harmattan
My eyes as red as blood
Insecurity dressed me up
I stumbled as I moved
Scared to be noticed
I accidentally bumped into a body
A voice broke out
“What the hell!, who are you?”...