
Sadness gives depth.

Happiness gives height.

Happiness gives branches.

Happiness is like a tree

Going into the sky.

And sadness is the roots

Going down into the womb

Of the earth.

Both are needed, and the

Higher a tree goes, the

Deeper it goes,


The bigger the tree,

The bigger it’s roots.

In fact, it is always

In proportion.

That is balance.


Don’t ask me where I come from

For that I cannot say

I come from different places

All many miles away

Don’t ask me where my birth place is

For that I do not know

I forgot my roots

When I began to grow

Don’t ask me where my home is

For that I cannot tell

Home is every place I’ve slept

In each and every hotel

Don’t ask such simple questions

For those questions are not me

It’s like studying a droplet

From a wild and boundless sea

So ask me where I see stars at night

Or what’s my favorite air to breathe

And I’ll speak of places I have been

And the ones I dream to see

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