Writing Prompt
Deep Roots
Write a poem about the importance of roots - it could be physical (like a tree) or metaphorical (like a character's upbringing), or a comparison of both!
Roots grow where they cannot see They steel my sticks and burn them for their fires Fires that make air they think I can save But roots grow deep below the surface.
Roots grow where they cannot see They cut down my trunk and use it for weapons Weapons they use to remove more of me But roots grow deep below the surface.
Roots grow where they cannot see They try to take what’s left of me, but I’m stuck Stuck unlike the rest of me was, before them. But roots grow deep below the surface.
Roots grow where they cannot see They dig up my dirt and my ground till they see See my roots which they rip and dig away …
As strong winds blow The strong trees grow Instead of being ripped from the ground It's roots hold it, safe and sound
Roots are what grounds trees Just as our roots ground us Our experiences and reactions grow roots Our passions and satisfactions grow roots
Your personality is your story But so are your scars Fight or flight reaction It is all adaptation
Our roots are who we are Just as the night has stars Just as gardens have weeds Just as our hearts have beats
Learn your roots Your history, Your bloodline It all comes into play Molding your life like clay
Every mark we earn Every lesson we learn Shape our roots into their own unique form The roots that stay strong, even during a storm
Your roots hold you up They're the strongest parts of you Don't ever feel like you can't let them show You have to keep allowing them to grow
Branches might break Leaves may fall At some point your tree will die But your roots will always stay right where they are
It’s roots fall deep Into the ground The wind blows But it still stays sound
Roots go deeper And deeper And deeper Into the ground Securing it So it stays around
Its roots keep it in line And feeds it with water It gets taller Never shorter Until damaged Or distressed Or overly suppressed
It grows And grows And never stops Grows And grows And never drops
the snakes of soil coil up my limbs, squeezing my bark skin as pliant, willing flesh. epidermis chipping, speckles of glittering gold flying away as embers. this cocoon still churns with light, still blooming with a yearning hope, soft with burning youth. rooted mortal memories dancing in the moonlight, chasing a future yet to be birthed. Is my wood like butter, aged like redwood? What fragments burrow underneath me and can the forest practice the rights? exorcise the grime?
Darkness Where we all begin Before the Sun Comes creeping in
To warm the fibre Of our being A single breath A straining sapling
We fight through winters Storms And rain Standing tall Baring pain
Splinters bite Ricochet We ground ourselves We seize the day
Firmly planted Barely moved The tug begins Within our roots
The tug to fight The tug to flee To live our lives To be truly free
For in the darkness Withered and Cold Lies mould And illness
Infecting Old Connections Friendships Family and past
Visible too late At last To see what truly lies beneath The source of turmoil Lack of sleep
As above The gentle breeze Rises Sending forth seedlings To the unknown
Where gentler fields await them Where the Sun Can help them grow
New roots With which They can see the world In ways I never could
Oh how I wish I could bloom again For the first time I just wish I could
Feeling stuck yet secure Holding me up or holding me down? How I yearn to wander To grow above the surface of this place
Are you sturdy or weak? If I stretch and struggle Will you lend a hand or pull me Back into the depths?
It is warm but devoid Nourishing yet bleak My soul is expanding beyond you I must grow to know
Who I am.
She had eyes like mine. She had eyes like mine, a nose like mine, and a smile I reckognize. A smile I once wore on my face, before it faded away, never to be seen again. My baby. My baby, she will always be my baby. She will never have to grow up. Physically, mabye, but her her eyes will continue to sparkle, and her smile will continue to appear. My baby.
Roots are what keep a tree growing What help it flower When there withered so’s the tree But it’s not guaranteed to die New roots can grow Replacing the bad with good
People are like this to There past is there roots That can be replaced They don’t have to wither or die But work towards tomorrow With the help of you and me
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