"I saw what you did last night. And I've told everyone."

Begin a story with this sentence. Create tension and excitement surrounding what the event could be and the repurcussions for your character.

No I Am Not

“I saw what you did last night. And I’ve told everyone.”

“What! Why! Why did you do that?” Every word causing me to increase my volume to enforce the anger and irritation involved with telling the world about my meeting with my former boss.

“Yes, I did. We all need to know that you met with Mike and that now you are thinking about going back to work for him.”

“No! No you did not. I am not going back to work for him. I am not. I need to make the next chapter of my life work without him involved in it.

“Well they need to know if you are going to be that nasty negative person again. No! Stop being animated. You were a horrible person when you worked for that office.

“Fine Yes you are right. I was horrible back then. AND That is one of the very reasons I AM NOT GOING BACK!” Arms in the air and voice as loud as possible I looked her in the face. Did she hear me this time?

We went into the den to sit down together. I need to share it all.

“I have been pounding up the friends list on Facebook asking for bookkeeping business. I have been posting every day to Facebook. For a month so far and I have to keep it consistent. I am adding new friends within the demographic of people who might own property to the degree of needing a bookkeeping. Not that they are accepting my requests. Not that they reply to the message when I send a “thank you” message.”

“GOD! Above I have been praying daily for help and guidance finding my purpose.

I have been doing everything humanly possible to keep a positive attitude & keep to my personal commitment to this business. I know that the wheels of progress need to keep moving forward. It is like a roller coaster. I keep an emotions journal. I speak regularly with a coach. I have massage work weekly to reduce physical stress and pain. I eat well & try to sleep at least 7 hours a night. I am keeping the house & managing the laundry to keep our home on a nice schedule. I have leadership books to read and LinkedIn learning classes I have saved for taking.”

“Please have faith in me. Have faith that we can survive this COVID environment without having me work for a man who does not respect me.”

“My goal is to find those people who own properties. They happen to rent their property out. Now they need help getting their bank accounts reconciled. Devoted attention to getting their records organized into clear cash flow and profit & loss statements.

Lord GOD There has to be because I have the skills to offer. I know the universe has that perfect job and I am ready to find it.”

“So can you just… hang in with me and just stop pushing me to go back to that job. Yes you are the one that keeps talking about the old place.” I watched as she realized what I was saying.

She finally speaks, “So what can I do?”

“Hug me. Tell me how great it is to be following my dream. Stop talking about that place.”

“Okay, I can do that.”

The hug long and warm and comforting.

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