Jacks Love

Candice starred at the letter intently, a thousand different things running through her mind. Jack really did love, she thought it was a simple crush. But it was much more. The letter was like a poem, a flood of his emotions pouring on the page, did he mean to give his to her or keep it hidden forever.

She heard the knob on the door twist open when she spun around to see jack standing in the doorway with his mouth open and eyes wide. He looked down at the piece of paper in her hand then back to her.

“Where did you get that.” Jack asked.

Candice fumbled her words turning about as if trying to find a place to hide the letter.

“It was in your dresser.”

“What are you doing looking through my things.” He demanded as he marched across the room snatching the letter from her hand.

“I’m sorry…I was just looking for a pen.”

He looked her in the eyes with those puppy dog eyes and turned away from her.

“I had no idea you felt that way jack.” Candice said.

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