You buy an item at random from an antiques shop, not realising at first what it really is...
I Don’t Know What I Bought
I sat outside of the antique shop, staring down at the strange little object I had just purchased. I’ll be honest, I wasn’t exactly sure what it was.
I mean, it was definitely a shape. Exactly what shape it was I’m still not entirely sure. I couldn’t quite count all the sides and edges, and I don’t know how to describe this round bit either.
I could feel my shoulders strain as I held it in front of me, so I knew it had mass. It was lighter than a brick but heavier than a feather. I could probably throw it pretty far but it probably wouldn’t feel great to kick.
Size? Sure it had dimensions, if you even knew how to measure it. I’d say it’s between a breadbox and a refrigerator.
The color wasn’t quite clear. If you held it in the light it had a warm amber tint, but if it was held in the shade it was a cool turquoise. If you held it at a 90 degree angle on the third tuesday of the sixth month-
Long story short, I still don’t know what I bought from that antique shop.
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