Write a psalm about a particular place.
Although broadly associated with Christianity, Psalms as a poetic form intend to offer lessons and suggestions for how to live life. What advice might a landmark, building, or landscape give?
Safe Within the LORD
TW: Christian theme. Such is the prompt.
The LORD is mine refuge,
mine place of security
His structure gleams
with a thousand shields
of bronze and Leviathan’s hide
He is mine fortress, mine respite,
mine tower of steadfast stone,
immovable and stoic against
the siege of mine enemies.
His walls mock the hands of man,
shatter the limbs of Hades,
tarnish the eyes of all fell angels.
The LORD scouts and scourges
the scholar and the servants.
Within His wall mine praise sounds
for age and age, within mine
shield, my aegis.
No strength of young man,
nor wisdom of ancients
could lay a hand upon
the LORD, mine hope,
mine Father, mine dark
soul’s salvation.