Broken Hearts

Long ago, there was a family. Husband, wife, and 3 children. When the children were babies, the husband wanted to divorce the wife, however, the wife could fix it.

The wife called her friend and reminded her of the fairy they talked to last year, as she was speaking, *BOOM* the fairy appeared. “I’m here to help you,” the fairy said reassuringly, “can you cast a love spell to save me and my husbands marrige?” “Of course”.

“The spell will wear off in 10 years” said the fairy. The fairy disappears and the husband walks through to door, “I’m so sorry” he says “I love you, I really do” “I love you too”. The wife surely thought the fairy was lying about the spell wearing off, however, she was not.

5 years pass, 6,7,8,9, and finally 10. The spell wears off. The day before the spell wears off, the fairy came to the wife. “Tomorrow the spell wears off. And I’m sorry, but there’s a side effect…” “S-SIDE EFFECT?!” The woman yelled “he’s going to die tomorrow” the fairy said quietly.

They have three children, 9, 12, and 15. They can’t lose their dad, but sadly, it comes true and the dad gets shot the next day.

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