The main characters are stuck in a labyrinth; it has no exit, but they do not know that.
Write their story; how can such a story end?
The Labyrinth
I woke up in a labyrinth.
With a group of 5 other kids, ranging from what looked like 13-19 but ended up being 12-18. There’s Cassie who’s 16, Julian who’s 17, Cameron is 15,
I’m 14, Hayley (maybe Hallie?) is the oldest at 18 and Isaac is the youngest at 12.
We each woke up with a bag filled with food and water. None of the girls were given any sanitary products, which I found out when Hayley (it’s definitely Hayley.) took me to the side to ask for any. We all woke up in these ugly ass blue jumpsuits, and have no change of pants or bras.
So we woke up in a labyrinth.
With a group of 5 other kids.
Accompanied by a bag filled with dried food and bottled water.
With no acces to toiletries.
No acces to fresh water or food.
No acces to a change of clothes.
And no idea how to get out.
Quick description of what I have learnt so far, in case we don’t get out, so they can find out information about us. I shouldn’t think like that, but I’m a glass half empty kind of person:
Hayley(18): has a boyfriend, comes from Edinbrough, Scotland, has a part time job as a barista in Starbucks. She likes going to the gym. Favourite colour-pink, favourite holiday-Portugal. Has one younger sister.
Julian(17): has a boyfriend, comes from Melbourne, Australia. Likes painting. He helps work at his parents shop sometimes. Favourite colour-purple, favourite holiday-France. Only child
Cassie(16): just broke up from an abusive relationship, comes from London, England, has a part time job as a waitress. Loves reading. Favourite colour-ashy blue, favourite holiday-China, to visit grandparents. She has two younger brothers and one older sister.
Cameron(15): single, Canadian. He says he likes boxing. Assistant coach. Favourite colour-green, favourite holiday-Brazil. Has one older sister.
Me-Alice(14): single, I come from Dublin, Ireland. I like to write. Paper rounds. Favourite colour-lavender, favourite holiday-Vietnam. I have a baby brother.
Isaac(12): has a crush, Floridian, likes football, no job. Favourite colour-blue, favourite holiday-Japan. Has one older brother and one younger get sister.
We don’t know why we are here. We don’t know if there is link between us.
We just know we woke up in a labyrinth, and have been looking for a way out for at least 4 days. And each day feels a little worse. Less hope in the air.
We are all tired.
We are all frustrated.
We are all scared.
**_Day 4_**
We all trudge through the sandy pathway, making turns at random. My head cranes up to look at the stars, I try to recognising the constellations, but no luck.
“I’m cold,” Isaac complains, “and hungry.”
“I’m sure we’ll be out soon,” Hayley, always the caretaker. I glance over at Cassie and see her grimace for just a second, but a second enough to tell me she doubts we’re getting out.
Julian walks behind us, scraping a rock against the sandstone wall to try mark our pathway, it’s a faint line but it will do.
“It’s cold _now_, it doesn’t matter when we’re getting out, can we _please_ lie down early?”
I stay silent, I try to avoid lying, and if I speak I might have to tell him we are getting out soon when I don’t belive we are.
“I’m not averse to sleeping,” Cassie glances around the group to a few head nods.
“Alrighty then,” Julian’s Australian accent has been one of my saving graces. It’s just the way he pronounces things, it sounds so happy.
So we all lie down beneath the stars, it’s not that cold compared to Ireland, classic Autumn weather. But to be fair Isaac comes from Florida. Fry an egg on the pavement heat.
We all plump up our bags to use as pillows.
“Goodnight,” I say, closing my eyes. A sleepy chorus of goodnights, and I’m out.
**_Day 5_**
When I wake up I feel just a little worse than the day before. Cameron is leaning against the wall, toying with a ring on his finger. I pick up my bag and go to sit next to him.
“Morning,” I whisper, sitting down.
“Good morning,” Cameron says, his green eyes remain closed. I always remeber people’s eyes. And his are the nicest I have ever seen. They’re like moss, green mixed in with a shade of brown.
I open my bag and dig around for the canned bread they gave us. It’s better than you might think. But it’s still bad.
I realise I’ve shifted closer to Cameron and suddenly I’m grateful for the fact his eyes remained closed. My cheeks burn as I shuffle away.
“G’day,” Julian says, his tall frame walks over and sits across from me. His black skin gleams in the sunlight, a contrast for the white teeth which grin at me.
“Morning,” me and Cameron say at the same time.
“Had a good nights rest?” Julian asks.
“As good as we can in this shit-hole.” Cameron replies.
“Alright, how about you Alice?” He leans forward to meet my eyes.
“Fine,” the mindless banter continues, until everybody’s awake, searching in their bags for food.
Hayley looks at the sun, “We should get going, it looks about 9.”
So we pick up our bags, and continue through the maze. I slow down my pace until I’m next to Cassie.
“Do you really think we’re getting out of here?” I whisper. Cassie glances around the group, then looks back at me. A tiny shake of her head tells me what I need to know. My mouth forms into a line and I nod, I mouth _me too _before me and her catch up to everyone else.
After a break for lunch we keep walking.
Everybody looks just a little more weathered than they did yesterday. Just a little more worn out. The sun started making its slow descent to beneath the sky a few hours ago, and already it’s behind the tall walls of the labyrinth.
My feet pound from almost eight, maybe nine hours of constant walking, with one 20 minute break to eat food.
**_Day 14
_**Everyday is the same as the day before.
Everyday we walk, and talk, and eat.
We’re running low on food.
I have two water bottles left.
5 cans of food.
And everyday the hope dwindles. Nobody’s going to say it. But I don’t think anyone still believes we are getting out.
Me and Cameron spend more time talking at the back of the group. I have learnt more about him, more about everyone but I’m more interested in his past. Julian teases me for it whenever me and him are the first to wake, but I find I don’t care, it’s a nice thought. A nice feeling when Julian says I have a crush on Cameron, or when he tells me Cameron looks at me with wanting. I want him too.
Tonight I lie awake, thinking of my family.
I hate the feeling of trying to sleep, but unable to doze off. So I stand up, evade the sleeping figures until I’m just outside the group and sit down. My eyes are closed and I’m only dimly aware of somebody sitting next to me.
I open my eyes when that someone starts tracing patterns on my thigh. I look at Cameron, as his eyes stare distantly at a grain of sand, and as his hands move expertly across my leg. I lean my head on his shoulder and he uses his other hand to stroke my hair softly.
**_Day 15_**
I wake up next to Cameron, my head still leaning on his shoulder. His head is propped above mine, and when I stir, he does too. His green eyes blink at me lazily, hair falling across his forehead in sandy swoops. I smile awkwardly and try to push up, but he grabs me around the waist and pulls me back to him.
We stay like that for a while.
It’s comforting. Knowing I’m not alone.
**_Day 19
_**We ran out of food.
**_Day 20_**
Waters gone too.
**_Day 21_**
We all wish for rain. Nobody has the energy to talk. Me and Cameron spend the nights in each others arms.
**_Day 22
_**Cassie left while we were sleeping.
Isaac isn’t waking up.
**_Day 23_**
Hayley won’t wake up.
We left Hayley. Julian was walking behind us.
He said he felt tired.
He lied down.
And he didn’t get back up.
I’m so scared
Day 24
When I woke up I was wrapped in Cameron’s arms.
Cameron doesn’t wake up
We are back where we started.
I see the trail made by the rock.
Cameron doesn’t wake up.
I see Cassie.
Her eyes are staring at nothing.
Cameron doesn’t wake up.
I fall asleep in his arms one last time.
I don’t wake up.