Write a story that takes place in a strange city.
It could be an alternate reality, a culture very different from your own, or a fantasy setting.
3D Movie
Joanie lived in the suburbs of Fridaytown and had a goal of seeing a 3D movie. She researched the cost, but she didn’t have a job. Her aunt helped her collect aluminum cans. They took the cans to exchange them for coins and saved for three months.
After three months, they left on a Friday for the airport to board a train to Fridaytown. While on the train she bit into an apple and lost a tooth. “Oh no,” said Joanie with her mouth bleeding.
“Here’s some Kleenex and gauze to clean up the blood. Would you like a drink if my water?” said the aunt.
“That would get the blood taste out of my mouth,” said Joanie. “Thanks.”
They googled a map to the nearest 3D movie and found a showing at a mall. They rode an elevated train in town to the mall for the next showing. Lights glared along the streets and the sidewalks streamed with people. Smells of many foods adorned the store fronts.
They found a pizza place on a street corner that smelled wonderful and ordered cheese pizza. The restaurant owner said,”no cheese pizza” so they ate pepperoni instead. Then they went to the 3D movie about animals. The movie starred many zoo animals from around the world. Sometimes you flew with a bird or rode an animal that ran down a trail. Then at one point some people in the theater screamed because they imagined a snake hissing and biting them.
After the movie they lost track of time while shopping and missed the train back to the suburbs so Joanie and her aunt stayed in a hotel.
The next day Joanie and her aunt got up early to walk to the train station. They made it on time and headed home. Joanie ran to her dog sitting on the porch and gave him a big hug. “I missed you Fluff,” said Joanie. “
We enjoyed our time in Fridaytown and I lost a tooth. See!”
Fluff lay down on the floor and rolled.