The View

I like the view

The sandy dunes and salty water

The shells that shine and glitter

A place of wonder and peace

Thinking back

Of times that where true

How old was i?

Perhaps not even two?

I like the view

Thats what she said

But when i came in the room

Her eyes bled

I like the view

I looked at you

Hate in your eyes

Your friend and parents too

I often fantasize

Of killing you

Snapping your neck

Tasting you too

I sit quietly

Admiring the blue

Bikinis and trunks

Showing off skin

Couples holding hands

Kids playing in the sand

Do you think of me too?


In you nightmares

They say you see 36 killers in your lifetime

Without realizing

Should I count 37?

Since I’m one of them too?

The sky is clear

No clouds in sight

Tunnel vision

To damnation

No medals that I’ll win

Am i wrong for telling you?

Or was it for the better

I feel as if you knew

That if you didnt leave

I’d make you disappear

Blood on the walls

Coffins in a cave

A monster made from people

People and hate

I look in the sky

No clouds in sight

But my vision is blurred

With blood in my eyes

Sirens with red and blue

Evacuate the beach

Your 37th is in view

I do not like the beach

I do not like the waves or the glittering sand

I do not like the shells or the kids playing in the sand

I do not like the view

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