Unexpected Reality

Dropped into the hands of fate a girl was born. Aubrey Price, a fairytale princess. Born into the wrong generation then just fell. Down into the abis and into what we call the 21st century.

Used to everything being given to her Aubrey wouldn’t work a day in her life. Sitting on her throne that her father had made specially for her. But sadly she would only make it to 16 before going to bed one night and suddenly waking up in 2023.

Running into her first problem, these weren’t her parents. These people were secretive and weird. Handing her a funky do-dad they call the ‘iPhone.’ “Hunny, are you going to hangout with Audrey today?” Her mother had asked. Confused Aubrey replied, “No thanks, now pardon me while I go tidy up.” Aubrey hated using words like ‘no thanks’ ‘bathroom’ ‘ugly’ because those words weren’t what she fancied. Her mother snicked, “Wow.” She heard her mumble. Looking in the mirror Aubrey saw a thick glob of eyeliner with some green eyeshadow. Aubrey struggled for a moment but still couldn’t get it off. She also noticed that her shirt was cut at an unusual length.

She walked outside to see the horrific air pollution. She gasped and held her breath as she walked down the sidewalk in her newly acquired “skin” she found that adapting to this lifestyle was difficult. However, she always missed her parents even if they were always so, giving? She walked down closing her eyes for a moment, and suddenly she had woken up in her castle.

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