Write one paragraph each for three auxiliary characters who will appear in your novel.

Whether allies or rivals, background or important, permanent or fleeting, choose any three characters and detail their traits.

Not Telling


Pearl came from the sea. Literally. Her body drips with water everywhere she goes. But don't mistake her beauty for friendship. She'll drown you any chance she gets. And Liam almost got it done to himself. Good thing Savannah was there to calm the furious Pearl.

Draconia the Dragon witch:

She's not your normal everyday fantasy witch, with the big nose, warts, and hat. She's frighteningly pretty, and loves to make boys fall in love with her. When Justin, Savannah, Liam, Oscar, and Chris stumble upon her hut along their journey, she invites them in and sneaks four drops of love potion each into the boy's food. Putting them behind and making Father Storm even more pissed.

Father Storm:

Father Storm is the 'wait, why do I hear boss music?' kinda boss. He's been waiting at the end of Justin, Savannah, Liam, Oscar, and Chris's journey for them to finally get there. And let me tell you, it's been boring. There's nothing to do except wait for the big, final battle that he knows is coming.

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