Write a poem or story that starts with adnomination.

Adnomination is where multiple words with the same root are repeated within a sentence, such as “he was a nobody from nowhere,” with ‘no’ being the root word.

Fun Without Anyone

Is anyone home? Is anybody there?

I prefer my own company anyway.

Consumed in my own thoughts any day.

Free to do what I want and free to play

Anything on my mind, everything’s okay

Doing things on my watch, at anytime

Mixing up margaritas without any lime

Dancing around, it’s my time to shine

Singing songs without knowing any lines

Cooking up snacks - any and every kind

The bottom of the bowl I’m sure to find

Rid myself of clothes I don’t want any bind

Block out the world and close the blinds

Feel the melodies in just my underwear

No desire in the slightest to go anywhere

Releasing all my worries, not a single care

Lighter than a feather, no plans can compare

Just me in the moment doing anything

The solitude itself, quite a pleasant thing

Best outcome any Friday night could bring

Out of nowhere the doorbell dongs a ding

No one’s home! Nobody’s here!

…where was I, anyway?

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