by Kamil Kalbarczyk @ Unsplash

The scene opens with your protagnoist paddling hard down the river, desperately trying to outrun their pursuers.

Run Run Run!

This is set a night in a lake Carla: RUN RUN Josh( the protagonist) docks his boat and starts to run from a mysterious creature and doesn’t see his friend Carla, although he hears her screams Josh: Carla where are you. The monster disappears and Carla appears Carla: I’m right here Carla: We must run away before it gets us Carla: Wait it’s gone I think we might be safe Josh: Said sadly, Carla the monster your looking for is….. A tree falls and Josh and Carla start running again Josh: Carla please stop Carla: What do you mean Josh. Josh: You’re the… The monster comes back and picks Josh up and runs with him and Carla is left behind Josh: stop please stop Carla: No please don’t take him Josh: Carla, Run run run Carla: not without you Josh The monster slams Josh into a tree and Josh is heavily injured and the monster disappears, yet Carla is not in site Josh: Carla Carla Carla Carla Carla: Josh what happened Josh: CARLA STOP YOU ARE THE… The monster reappears but Josh is not backing down Josh: CARLA YOU ARE THE MONSTE…. The monster strikes Josh and the strike kills him.The monster disappears and Carla reappears Carla: No Josh I tried to help you but you just couldn’t stop. You just had to anger the monster inside of me. The Monster Carla walks out of the forest and informs the authorities about Josh’s death. She still is out there with the monster inside of her.
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