"Everybody wants to judge, but nobody wants to listen."
Write about a character who is going through a typically stigmatised situation. As an added challenge, try to write from the perspective of the opposite gender to yourself.
Mythological Mayhem (pt2)
I follow Aphrodite. Then I realized. I'm about to meet the god of the underworld. And he probably wasn't going to give me cupcakes.
He gave me cupcakes.
When I walked through the abandoned building doors I was immediately attacked. A dog mixed with a demon of some sort lunged at me. I cried. In pain. And fear. Then it licked me. The Hellhound licked me. I'm popular. Then it grabbed me by the shirt and ran through the dark wasteland. Next thing I know I'm right in front of the person I never wanted to meet. Hades, the god of the underworld and guilt. I feel guilty for even being alive. He looks me up and down. “Eve…” he said slowly. I'm dead.
Guess what. I'm not dead. And I got cupcakes. “Um, aren't you supposed to be evil,” I said stupidly. “Everyone wants to judge, but nobody wants to listen.” I rethink my whole life. Then I think of something stupid. “Uh… do you know my father?” “Eve, I am your father,” he said looking me in the eyes. Ok nevermind I’m dead.
I’ve got simple instructions, infilatrate the gala, find the information, ignore the charming spy. How hard could that be?