Heavy rain, cracked windows, and a forgotten song.

Use these descriptors as inspiration for a poem.

The CrackšŸ’™

(If you want, you can listen to Never Grow Up by Taylor Swift while reading this. Start at 2:30! It wonā€™t be the same length as the song, so it might not perfectly match up lol.)

My eyelashes curled,

My blush blended,

My dress tied,

My smile bright,

I looked through

The crack in my window

Through the broken glass

I saw a little girl

Heavy rain

Slipped down her face

As she clutched her umbrella

And sang

In her eyes,

I saw loneliness

Mixed with a

Drop of determination

She sang

The song

That was her warm blanket

During a thunderous storm

The song

That I needed

More than ever to sing

But have forgotten the lyrics

The song

My father had sung

While holding a beautiful baby girl

Who inherited my motherā€™s fair skin

And now

In my pristine apartment

I crouch down

Begging for an old, forgotten song

To bring me itā€™s light once again

Because the daisies in my vase

Are turning to stone

The mirror in my room

Is blinding all the beauty

The trees in my yard

Are failing to shade me

I may have a sparkling pool

But I yearn for my rusty swingset

I may have a fancy Maserati

But I wish for my little tricycle

I may have a beautiful smile

But I ache for a happy one

The happy one

That the little girl

Through the crack in my window

Had when my mother

Came out in the rain

To sing with her


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