Can You Keep A Secret?

Can you keep a secret as well as I can?

I know you crashed your mother’s sedan.

I know that you secretly like Ryan.

Your secrets I keep, to hold but never tell.

And I hold them well.

I hold your plans of how you’ll rebel.

Never, ever tell.

“I hate you!” You yell, but I never tell.

Never, ever tell.

Even when you laughed when your brother fell.

I never, ever tell.

I hold your secrets for better and for worse.

Even when you stole from your mothers purse.

I know things no one else does.

Things I never, ever tell.

So tell me human.

Can you keep a secret as well as I can?


If it wasn’t clear this story is from our mind’s point of view (if that makes sense)! I hope you enjoy!

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