empathy is the most basic form of love

I've seen you at your worst

You've seen me too

I've seen the look in your eyes

I've seen the pain

When I'm hurting, do you see it too?

Or do you just not care?

Do you think to ask?

Do you think of reasons I'm hurt?

Or is that only me?

When I'm on the cold kitchen floor,

Will you come up to me?

Will you hold me while running your hand through my hair?

Or will you walk to the fridge to grab another bottle?

Will you sit beside me as I cry?

Or will you hand me a tissue and walk away?

Can you even be bothered to hand me a tissue?

Is it tough to see?

Do I not vocalize my pain enough for you to see?

Is it tough to love?

Is it tough to feel?

When I feel, are you not compelled to feel?

When I'm hurt, are you not compelled to hurt?

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