Write a story about a character that has a unique occupation which sets them apart from others.
i watch the world
i am unique. everyone is unique and different in their own ways, but i have a job that is the most unique out of all of the variations.
i’ve watched the world for quite some time now. i’ve seen it’s darkest moments and it’s happiest moments. i’ve watched it go cold, and i’ve watched it go hot. throughout the gloom and guilt, i’ve been there, right by the world’s side.
i like to think that i’m that reason why the earth spins. i keep it going. from here, i light it up. no matter when it goes through the darkest of dark, i’ll always be there, shining.
most people say i’m always shining. i brighten up their days, and prepare them for what’s to come in the absence of light.
i take good care of the earth too. despite observing it, we’ve grown quite the friendship. the earth is always near, whether it’s cold and miserable or hot and joyful. i find earth more than a study or inspection. i think the world is my friend.
everyday, i see the two parts of the world. sometimes i see the conscientious, unforgettable, and the simplest parts of it. the other times i see the distant thunder, unsettled, and the complicated.
i enjoy watching the fluffy white clouds pass over areas of land. i wonder what it would be like to run far into the fields of green, or the mountains out west.
the tiny ball of life in-front keeps spinning. that is something i see, and i always admire it. even in the roughest waters and the longest battles it keeps on spinning. it makes sure that everything knows that it will not be stopped. i look up to the earth, even if it’s miles away from me.
observing the world has become common to me. but i also see others. far away past all the stars hides an orange-beige planet. it has rings that stretch for miles and miles. i take a peek back there sometimes. although i love to explore the unknown of those around me, the world will always be my biggest wonder.
how bright do i shine?
i question whether the earth knows about me. it probably does, i mean i’ve been watching it for more than forever.
all i know is that the earth will be the earth forever.
and i will be the sun forever.