Prompt submitted by christian jace đź—ż
It was just your average high school party. That is, until we found a dead body in the closet.
Don’t trip at a party
The party was kicking, drinks were slippin, green smoke in the air I think somebody’s been spliffin
But I was mid tripping, colours were glistening, stumbling around, climbed up the stairs by the kitchen.
Clattering around the corridor, looking for my mate whoed gone missing,
hand attracted to the doorknob like a magnetic mitton,
turnered the handle, room was empty And i still couldn’t see him,
but I see red patterns splattered on the floor, like A Picasso depiction,
And the colours started climbing up the wall and onto the ceiling, and on the closet door handprints looked they were reaching, towards my face straight down my tunnel vision, And my body starting lifting up, and next thing without thinking, I was swinging open the closet and was expecting to see him, and a body thudded to the floor lifelessles and not breathing lent down and checked the pulse and the heart wasn’t beating, but it wasn’t my buddy, instead the body of Tommy, a kid from the year below, recognised Him from the glow of his crown, Tommy was bald from head to toe
I started choking, What the fuck am I supposed to do couldn’t handle this moment , I’m way too fucked right now to be dealing with this shit, and outta know where my friend Andrew came bursting in, laughing “Jim what have you done, I can’t believe what I’m seeing, I didn’t expect this from you , man you’re going straight to prison ” I’m like “Andrew what do you mean, I just walked in, this had already happened before I was even here” and I’m standing there confused, the room was still spinning, did I do this you gotta be kidding, my mind was trying play tricks but I knew I was inocent, there’s no way I’d be involved in a killing , tripping or not I’m just a happy human being. And I sense something not right about the situation, something in the air, could actually feel theis kinda tension, of Andrews body shaking, airwaves were vibrating, visibly impatient but a smile on his face could not be mistaken, and he pulled his hands out his pockets and without hesitation
shouted catch and threw something in my general direction, and Im a pride man, and I didnt understand his intention, And I haven’t made a drop since 2011, so I reached out and caught the ufo reflexes of an alien , and Andrew started laughing Cz it was all making sense to him, and he raised his hands up and I saw something was wrong with them, I couldn’t see no skin from his fingers to thumb, Rubber gloves stretching out across his whole palm, and I looked down slowly with a troubling stare, and a blood stained axe was the arm that I bared . I was caught red handed with the murder weapon there, but what was really happening Outside my alternate reality was that I was holding a paint brush standing above a mannequin