Warmth in the Ice

Write a story, poem, descriptive passage, or short scene, which uses this theme.

Goal Completion

The girl ran as fast as she could through the bitter cold. She thought to herself about her younger sister running away into the cold and dark forest. Her sister and their parents had got into an argument and her sister had ran into the forest against everyone’s instructions. Even though she knew she was not responsible for her sister’s disappearance, she felt extremely guilty about it. She felt her knees buckling and her legs shaking and weakening as she ran. She wanted to sit down and rest, but she couldn’t do that without finding her sister. They had always been pretty close. She finally fell down onto the soft snow. She felt very defeated. She felt very warm and hot. She looked up and saw her sister. Her sister sat beside her and began comforting her. Her parents then began to wonder and worry about why they had both been gone for more than an hour.

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