
A firecracker they say.

They are afraid.

I could explode and any moment.

Because I am a woman.

I am a ticking time bomb.

A game of Russian roulette.

I am unpredictable, unprofessional, unable to control myself.


I am strong headed and strong hearted, yes.

I care deeply and I’m not afraid to speak for myself.

To advocate for what is right.

But I am a woman.

Because I am a women,

I’m just hormonal.


I’m just on my period.

If I were a man.

I wouldn’t be hormonal, I would be strong.


Never! Try passionate.

Men are afraid.

They are afraid of strong women.

And we are everywhere.

Men? They are intimidated.

Shaking in their size nine boots, which they will insist is a size ten.

So yes,

We are firecrackers.

And that is a beautiful thing.

We firecrackers light up the sky.

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