Writing Prompt
Inspired by Maranda Quinn
Write a poem in any form, on any topic you like, which uses a single metaphor throughout.
Try to develop the metaphor as the poem progresses, and use it as a central theme throughout.
holy bird, hit the ground, dead dove won’t come back around time will tell, one day you’ll die, weep and kiss don’t say goodbye
give a little get a little give it all and get fucked let it go and miss it later leave it all and get stuck cycle it, cycle it, oh my love you bite too hard ouroboros, great snake you sank your teeth in much too far
to hell with it, it’s hell i reckon, come on babe let’s go to heaven you don’t have to let go now but don’t keep holding on like this
stormy mind
misty window drowned in spluttered rain im left alone and in sizzling pain the feeling of your betrayal stings my soul nothing but you can fill this empty hole this thunder sounds like my broken heart can we please just go back and restart? were all those heavily spoken words true? im losing every piece of myself because im intertwined with you you stabbed a dagger into my fragile heart you poisoned my loving veins with your firing dart I’m clinging onto my threadbare pillow as if It was you why was I surprised, it was nothing new all the unspoken words are cluttering my crowded mind the unceasing raindrops are opaque like my eyes; blind why couldn’t I have been your only one this raindrop race from my flooded eyes is hard to outrun all I want is for my heavy heart to be heard but you never want to listen so I disguise my hurt you misunderstand my purely intentional words my explanation is confusing to you too, like crosswords why did I waste my stolen time with you the unfulfilled promises of our love never came true let me find the cure to this broken heart of mine us crossing paths won’t happen if walking in a straight line my everlasting love for you is truly unconditional but your love for me is like rain on a sunny day: invisible my pure existence disturbed your peace but you were my everything, my masterpiece
it’s funny how there was life before you there was life before you ruined mine there was good life before you broke me
I was looking through old pictures old videos old memories from when I was younger
the smile on that little girl’s face? it was real unlike the one I plaster on most days now
you hadn’t ruined her you hadn’t tore her apart you hadn’t even met her and she hadn’t met you and everything was okay everything was good life was good
I hate you I hate you for ruining my life that little girl? she’s gone because of you I can’t smile like that anymore everything revolves around what you did to me you ruined my life that little girl? she couldn’t hate you she didn’t know how to hate
but me? now? yeah I hate you I hate you for everything you did to me I hate you for tearing me apart I hate you for breaking me I hate you for ruining my life but most of all I hate you for forgetting forgetting what you did to me not knowing how much you hurt me not caring about it either you simply moved on and left me there alone and confused broken broken by you
Mentally Unstable
My love may be weak My walls may be strong but easily can you break these heavy mental bricks. For I am easily fooled and tricked truths masked by lies I easily belive. Theese heavy bricks that used to be a safe serenity, now surround me broken and bruised like a puzzle missing a peice.
Car Rides
Car rides on a hot day can make me nauseous.
They make me feel like I want to throw up.
Like I want to cry.
Make me feel horrible.
And secretly angry at myself. For not preventing the nausea. By finding a way to chill.
Car rides make me wonder why some reactions to the things I do are so strong.
Car rides make me sad.
To: Car rides From: Soph
My Ocean.
You’re the ocean. May seem like a strange comparison, But you are. I could drown in just the idea of you alone. I’d go out too far. So far I can’t stand. Just because it’s you. I’ll stay till I sink. And when I sink I’ll be sinking in you. As long as it’s you. Sinking deep. But it’d be so thrilling, And so exciting That I’d forget to come up for air. And simply just drown in you. The ocean, My ocean.
The Light House
The lighthouse stands, a stubborn flame
against the sea’s unceasing call,
a steadfast keeper of the name
of those who fear the rise, the fall.
It casts its glow on distant shores,
a beacon through the night’s thick veil,
as sailors drift toward unseen doors,
unsure if winds will lift or fail.
And we, like ships, are drawn to light,
our hearts a compass spinning wild,
seeking a home in endless night,
yearning to be the lost, found child.
The lighthouse is our hope, our guide,
its flame the dream we hold inside.
have you ever slept so little
that when the morning came,
all you could do was move slowly
and try not to fall asleep?
on these days it feels like im being piloted by someone else
someone that i shut down when i was eleven,
because she was too run-down
and tired
spending three years without a power source
dreaming of running through fields green and gold
now all she can do is try not to fall asleep
because these veins aren’t wires
and this heart’s not a motor
and these muscles aren’t pistons
and this brain’s not a motherboard
but good god,
sometimes it feels that way