Hope (idk)

ā€œHope is the bridge

between despair and joy.ā€

A quote so true especially

about a certain boy.


Stop being smart,

thatā€™s too attractiveā€”

Stop having a heart,

I donā€™t think my heart can take it.

Stop smiling and joking,

youā€™re literally so fineā€”

Stop grinning and talking

with that smooth, deep voice

of yours.

Stop the humor,

Iā€™ve already fallen.

Stop the rumors,

I canā€™t handle

hearing youā€™re

with her

and I like a guy

who might have a girlfriend.

now why might that be?

Why might someone

as dumb and loud

or quiet and smart

as me

fall for someone

who doesnā€™t have a heart

to give anyone else?

Cause heā€™s smart,

heā€™s a gentleman

(even if he pretends not to be)

whoo, boy, it seems

his number one fan is meā€”

Heā€™s funny

and his smile is bright.

It doesnā€™t even matter

that he plays football,

or that heā€™s tall

(Though, that is a bonus!)

Itā€™s really heā€™s smart

and respects all the teachers,

heā€™s going to break my heart.

I want to scream

ā€œStop looking at me,

I canā€™t handle that gaze

with the fire set free.ā€

Because, guess what,

his eyes were on me.

And they kept up

until I myself looked away.

I wish I didnā€™t.

But my crush,

this stupid little crush,

will not live to see the dayā€”

where I didnā€™t look away.

*I technically have two crushes rn but they are like complete opposites, sooooā€¦

also this guy from this poem, he got into a lot of fights last year, but like now he hasnā€™t gotten into any. Now heā€™s like insanely chill and smart and I know more about him and all that. And he keeps looking at me like confusing the ZAINS(1) out of me. Also, I havenā€™t seen him and the girl together since last year, and Iā€™ve heard some rumors, but like never believe those. boys are so confusingā€¦*

(1) ZAINS - can be anything from butterflies to bees to whatever else fits an emotion

Hope you liked my confusing poem,


Zain šŸ©µ

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