Submitted by Lockitt Mobby
Write a scene where a superhero must reveal their true identity to someone they care for.
Going Home
“What happened here” my wife asks?
I turn my head to look at her and see those big innocent eyes staring right back at me. I could tell that she was looking at me to provide some type of rational to this situation. Some solace amidst the chaos we return to.
Two weeks ago we finally left on a trip out of the country. Flying away to a remote island to enjoy some quality ‘us time.’ I was apposed to it at first, due to the nature of both of our jobs. Constantly requiring our attention 24 hours out of the day but, since she was able to get time off, who am I to turn down the love of my life. Plus things weren’t exactly cherries and peaches at home so I guess you could say this escape was needed.
“WATCH OUT WATCH OUT” my wife screams!
I turn the steering wheel hard left and step on the gas as a 4 story building sails over the roof of our Honda. Some debris from the building smashes into the windshield shattering it shooting shards of glass throughout the car. I slam on the breaks hoping to bring the car to a stop but not before we slam into the side of the bridge. The airbags spring open hitting both of us hard.
After a few seconds the ringing in my ears start to subside. I shove the airbag down and immediately turn to check on my wife. Face firmly planted on the airbag but she is appears to be fine. I quickly place my hand on her pulse just to be sure.
“I’m alive” she groans.
“Good. I don’t think the insurance company would believe ‘died while dodging flying skyscrapers” I replied.
“Of course they wouldn’t. We live in the suburbs. There are no skyscrapers.”
I chuckle a little. Being able to joke in a situation like this is precisely why I married her. I watch as she leans back in the seat and smooths her hand over herself. She lets out a shaky breathe as she touches her stomach.
“Everything alright honey” I ask tentatively?
“What’s wrong. You seem hesitant?”
I have to brace myself because I know what comes next.
“Dear. Im not crazy am I?”
“Well you did marry me so I’m not sure how sane you could really be.”
“Darren. I’m being serious right now.”
This is the second time my wife has ever used my real name aside from the time at our wedding.
“No honey, you are not crazy.”
“So why the hell am I still alive right now?”
“By the grace of god my dear.” I offer up a pitiful smile. I can tell by her expression that she is not buying it one bit.
“Darren, I saw a rock the size of of a tire make direct contact with the windshield. We BOTH should be dead and yet neither of us has a scratch.”
“A tire? Are you sure you didn’t just-“
“Darren don’t you fucking dare try and gaslight me right now. I know what I saw!”
All I can do is stare. Those big hazel eyes of hers probing, searching for answers. Answers that I shouldn’t give.
In that instant, almost as if she was reading my thoughts she asks “what did you do Darren?”
I could only stare at her at her and bite my lip. I hate lying to her. I’ve only ever done it once and it damn near broke us apart. But I can’t tell her the truth. It’s for her own good. Surely she understands right?
As if my thoughts were her own tears start to stream down her face.
I reach out to wipe her now stained cheek. She doesn’t stop me but this feels like rejection. A barrier has been built and I need to knock it down. Just as I open my mouth to speak another car slams into the trunk of ours. The force of the crash sends me and my wife through the front windshield over the bridge.
Falling from the bridge the only thing I can focus on are those big hazel eyes. They hold no panic, no fear, just a calm serenity. I grab one of her outstretched arms and pull her in against my chest.
“Don’t worry, I vowed to always protect you.”
She meets my gaze and says “you always have” as we submerge into the sea.