Often times I hear my mother cry when the house goes dark. Hearing her muffled sobs makes me wish things were how they used to be. Back when I was younger mother would tell me stories about her childhood. Living on a different planet that had bodies of water that went into all the way down to the center of the planet. How it was so dark down there that scientists got the term black hole from the o...
“Hey, what time is it again?” Andrew asks aloud.
“11:57. Why do you keep asking?” Cyncere follows up placing their phone back into their pocket. They arch their head over the back of the couch so they could look in Andrew’s general direction. The TV being the only light source in the room does a poor job of illuminating him but Cyncere can vaguely make out his brown hair glistening even in the da...
7:30 couldn’t come soon enough
Work is rough, but with only one bathroom break you time accordingly
Excuse me, pardon me, I’m just trying to get by
Two ply and a cold plastic seat
Will greet my yams
Door slams open, I see a heavy fellow walk out
No doubt in my mind what he was in there for this time
That slime Ron, from accounting always ruining my day
No way I’m going in without a little spray...
“What happened here” my wife asks?
I turn my head to look at her and see those big innocent eyes staring right back at me. I could tell that she was looking at me to provide some type of rational to this situation. Some solace amidst the chaos we return to.
Two weeks ago we finally left on a trip out of the country. Flying away to a remote island to enjoy some quality ‘us time.’ I was apposed to...