I Miss You


I’m sorry. I’m not too sure what I’m sorry for though. I didn’t do anything. Maybe that’s the problem. I didn’t do enough. But I can’t stop thinking about you.

I messaged you. But you left me on delivered for two weeks now. So. I’m not sure anymore. I’m not sure if you still want to be apart of my life or want to have any contact with me. But I want to be apart of yours.

Not because I like like you or anything. That would be weird, but because you’re one of my best friends. Or so I thought.

Remember when we didn’t get any work done because we were just laughing and messing around. And then we got told off. Remember?

You are the first person I’ve clicked with immediately. Just know that. And you mean so much to me. Every interaction was so easy and natural and never ever awkward. We could laugh together for hours.

I guess I just wanted to say this, I really miss you. I do. And it’s super weird without you. Like super weird. And maybe I messed it up, I dunno. I just thought maybe you would’ve called by now. I guess I was wrong. Maybe I took it for granted when you said you’d call.

I really hope I hear from you soon. By message hopefully, because I know you’ll never see this.

See ya soon Wolf

~ Hamster x

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