Write the blurb to your first fantasy novel.

A blurb should intrigue the reader; introducing the main characters, and describing the plot, without giving too much away.

Twisted Fairytale

Witch Roisin Dubh, her name translates to “black rose” in Irish, was jealous of Brigid’s fiery, red curly hair. ( Red Riding Hood )Brigid was cursed and forced into an unholy union to a creature of death and chaos. So Dubh possesses a woodsman to hunt down a creature to marry her granddaughter, the victim is a male, black wolf. The wolf is given the name Fael ( ugly or wolf )Dubh and Brigid both live inside a dense forest embraced in duckweed, blinks, and bog bean plants; surrounded by streams and ponds. Their cottage is covered by Irish ivy vines clinging to the home. The woodsman attempts to murder Brigid in rage that she refuses to marry the animal he captured, Fael tears out his heart in return. Seeing this, Dubh casts a spell to turn Fael into a half human, half wolf creature to kill her granddaughter. Brigid soon realizes she falls in love with the wolf, he also. To take revenge on the witch, Fael murders and eats the old woman to break the curse upon Brigid. Fael and Brigid run away to an isolated castle upon a cliff above the sea. Years later both marry and have three children, half human, half wolf to which they grow up and carry on to murder all remaining witches who followed Roisin Dubh.

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