In accordance with the idea that pets and their owners are similar, tell the reader everything they need to know about your main character by describing their pet.
Anna’s Shadow
Anna’s cat was a mysterious creature, always sneaking around behind her owner’s back, leaving in the middle of the night to go to shady places, that kind of thing. Though deep down, the cat, whom Anna had named Shadow, was kind-hearted and highly protective of those she loved. Shadow would never back down when it came to fighting for her owner… or just fighting in general. Even with her sweet side, Shadow could still be very aggressive and violent. Though there were definitely some things Shadow lacked. Self-control is a great example, seeings as Shadow couldn’t help but make extremely impulsive decisions whenever quick thinking was required, especially during dangerous situations. Shadow also had some severe anger issues. She could never keep herself calm. Even with all her flaws, Shadow was a good cat.