Your main character wakes up in an unknown place, tied up and gagged. Unfortunately, her kidnapper doesn't know she's highly trained, in control, and unafraid.

Introduce a powerful female lead who handles her misfortune like a badass.

The Butcher Pt5

I opened my eyes slowly. There was a soft mattress underneath me and sheets over my body. My injured arm was bandaged tight. Just then I heard footsteps approach and a lock click. The door opened to reveal Butch with a plate of food and jug of water. I licked my lips, suddenly realizing I was famished and dehydrated. I got out of the bed quickly only to get dizzy again like before and I collapsed on the ground on my hands and knees. I heard the clatter of dishes being set down then I felt Butch’s strong hands pull me up. I flinched at his touch, but he seemed to ignore it. He guided me back to the bed and made me sit down. He grabbed the dishes and sat next to me. “Here. You need to eat and hydrate.” He extended his hands with the plate. I didn’t move or speak. Was this food poisoned? What was his angle? Was this some kind of sick game like all the others? I inched away from him on the bed the best I could.

“I-I’m not hungry.” I lie. I put my hand on my stomach to try to muffle the hungry protests it gave.

He kept one hand on the plate, but reached out with the other hand and grabbed my neck, dragging me back towards him. He was oddly gentle. “Don’t lie to me.” He said sternly, but not aggressive. “Why do you not want to eat.” He stated more than asked.

“How do I know you didn’t poison it?” I said timidly. He laughed.

“I wouldn’t poison you to kill you, silly.” He released my neck and pushed the food back towards me to take it, but I was still hesitant. He sighed. “Fine, open your mouth.” He stabbed a fork into some eggs on the plate and put it up to my mouth.

“Why are-“ I started to talk but he took that chance to shove the fork in my mouth.

“Chew and swallow.” He commanded. I couldn’t fight once I tasted the food. I chewed it quickly and swallowed. I took the plate out of his hands along with the fork and ate every bit of it. I felt his eyes on me, but I didn’t care. I licked the plate clean and then reached for the jug he was still holding. He held it away from me last minute, which caused me to topple over him. He laughed. “Say thank you and I’ll give you the jug.” He said with a smug grin.

My need for water overruled keeping my confident composure. “Thank you.” I said without looking at him. My eyes were still fixed on the jug. He kept that smug grin on his face and started to hand it to me, but I already had my hands wrapped around it and was gulping it down. Suddenly I coughed up a little bit of water. He took the jug back and I reached for it again, but he kept it out of my reach.

“You just choked yourself by drinking too fast and you still want it?” He chuckled.

“Give it back!” I demanded. He had turned me into a child by merely giving me food and water.

“I’ll be holding it instead so I can control how much you drink at a time. Don’t want you dying if it ain’t my doing.” He grinned. “Now sit still.” I sat on my knees as he let me drink the rest of the water at his pace. Only did I finish when there was none left. Butch surveyed me for a moment before breaking into a smile. "You sure are something else, aren't you? " he remarked, his eyes gleaming with amusement.

“I was hungry and thirsty.” I retorted.

“Uh huh” He grinned while grabbing the dishes and getting up. “I’ll be back in a bit.” The door closed behind him. I heard it lock. I looked over at the sun gleaming through a large window. I scooted back towards the edge of the bed, hesitant to get up. After a moment of watching the window from the bed, I got up. My legs shook from underneath my weight, but it was manageable. I stumbled over to the window. I leaned against the dresser in front of it while gazing at the mesmorizing scenery before me.

“What the hell are you doing?!”

(Hey y’all! I hope you enjoy part five the this thrilling series! What do you think is going to happen next?)

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