Sleeping Arrangements

It is getting dark.

Della has to get some rest to continue her journey. She can feel her eyelids weigh now heavier, trying to coax her to sleep.

Maybe there is an unlocked barn or shed. Something to keep her from the chill of the night.

Spotting a carriage tucked into a gap between two structures, she sighs in relief. Most carriages didn’t have a lock since you would need a horse or two to pull it and that wouldn’t be quiet. They aren’t usually in danger of being stolen.

Thankful, she guides the door open and hauls herself inside. Quietly of course.

The interior is small with two hard benches on either side. She reminds herself that she can’t be picky at a time like this. Carriages for her always had cushioned seats and velvet insides, not that she got to leave in one before.

It is then she notices there’s someone else. She can actually hear Hale scold her with how disappointed she is with how long it took her to survey her area.

A boy is slumped on the ground with his arms crossed over his chest. His eyes are closed and his head tilt forward at an uncomfortable angle.

He looks so peaceful.

Maybe she can find a barn or secluded garden to sleep instead.

As she goes to step down onto the pedal, she trips and grabs the door which makes a loud creak.

She cringes at the startling noise.

You would think for a princess she would be more graceful. Or with her training, she would have better reflexes.

The man’s eyes shoot open and he jackknifes up into a rigid position.

“Shit I fell asleep,” his voice is hoarse like he hasn’t used it in a while, though that’s probably because she woke him up.

He flinches once he notices he’s not alone in the confined space. “What are you doing?” He asks.

Somehow she indelicately responds to his reasonable inquiry with two insensitive ones of her own. “Were you sleeping in your carriage? Are you homeless?”

It was probably inappropriate question, but she just blurted it out without thinking. Mr. Nevyle would fail her if he heard her say that. She was usually so diplomatic and poised, but exhaustion overtook her body and mind. Her brain is about to fall asleep at the controls if she doesn’t get some sleep soon. She had the right to be a bit delirious.

“No. My parents’ bakery is right over there. These guys try to break in and steal the food,” he points through the window of the carriage across the street to a sign that read, “Clark Family Bakery.”

“You must be Clark then?” She asks since apparently she can only ask questions now.

“Yeah, Cade. Cade Clark.”

There is a pause before he continues, “and you might be?”

Like she was conditioned, she begins to answer, “Ad—“ but then remembers something. On her journey, no one had to know she was a princess, especially the trans one. She could just be herself.

She clears her throat. “Sorry, my name is Della.”

“Ok Della, do you need a place to sleep? Is that why you broke into my carriage? Or are you a pretty assassin sent to kill a baker’s son?” A teasing tone taking over by the end.

She finds herself laughing at this absurd situation. “Oh yes, I am a highly trained killer sent to terminate you after a burnt cake.”

They both chuckle, the sound bouncing off the hard surfaces of the vehicle.

“To answer your question properly, I was looking for a place to sleep, but I can find something else.”

“You’re here already. As long as you’re comfortable with me also being here, you’re welcome to sleep.” She wonders if he is not asking her why to be polite. She appreciates it nonetheless.

“Thank you. I know I may have come off a bit strong, but I really appreciate this.”

“No pro—“ A bang cut him off.

His head whips to the direction of the bakery. Once he gets a glimpse, he pushes her head down as he ducks.

She peeks through the window and sees a gaggle of shady looking characters. All in black. They are adorned with thin armor, probably plastic from the sheen, carrying rudimentary weapons like sticks.

Cade reaches down to grab a bow and arrow that she had not noticed on the ground. Hale would be horrified at her lack of awareness. She let someone get in close proximity with a weapon in arms reach.

He nocks an arrow and draws the string back. Della knew this process well. She knew how to use it and was fine with it, but she preferred her words as weapons instead of blades.

Aiming at through the small window, he takes a deep breath. Within one second, the arrow left the bow, whizzing towards the robbers.

They jump as the arrow finds its target in hitting one of the sticks, knocking it out of one of the thug’s hands.

This has Della raising her eyebrows in surprise at his skill. To have that aim is incredibly rare. She’s not even sure Hale or Amerie have that precision with a bow and arrow. Bow and arrows aren’t used that much in Allaver. Long range bow and arrows are only used in the perimeter security.

Cade’s warning deters them and they flee, scared of being shot at for real.

“So you protect your parents’ bakery? Do you do anything else?”

“You ask a lot of questions.”

“Yes I do.” She waits for him to respond to the hanging question.

Smiling, he replies, “I trained to be a knight but dropped out to protect the bakery.” He must have trained with Thorne. Seeing his accuracy with a bow, he must have been high ranking when he was in training.

He might know who she is. Did he know she was Princess Adella? He appears sincere but could she trust him?

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