Something New

“No way no how I am not going up there!” I said pointing at the stage where a middle aged woman was singing ‘You Don't Own Me’ by Lesley Gore and not well I might add.

“Come on Sare Bear we need a Baby Spice.” Hallie said.

“And you love singing.” said Tracy.

“Yeah in the shower or in the car along with the Radio but not like in front of people!” I protested.

“Oh come on Sarah you have a really good singing voice, just pretend that it’s just the five of us in your bedroom like when we were kids.”Kelsey said.

“Except we’re not in my bedroom and there are tons of other people here.” I said.

“It’s not that many people and anyway Baby Spice only has like two lines in the song Wannabe and a small solo part in the chorus but we can even skip that if you want to. Come on Sarah please.” Raquel pleads .

“You guys I get nervous just having to give presentations in school, if the teacher wants someone to read part of the book out loud in class I pray that they don’t pick me, do you really think that I’m going to get up on that stage and sing?” I inquired but my friends don’t give up easily and started trying the puppy dog look. I cross my arms about to have a stare down with the lot of them.

“One song won’t kill you princess and I would absolutely love to hear you sing.” Draya said.

I turn to look at her “You’re not helping.” I complain.

“Please darling; for me?” she said sticking her bottom lip out in an adorable pout. I let out a groan of annoyance before giving in “Fine I’ll do it.” I say turning to my friends who all let out a happy little cheer as Hallie goes to put in our song request. I look at Draya again “You’re lucky that you’re my girlfriend.” I say going over and sitting in her lap.

“I would have to agree with that statement” she said smiling.

When it was our group’s turn my heart started to hammer so hard it felt like it could break a rib and my hands were sweating it would be a miracle if the mic didn’t slip out of my hands and I couldn’t seem to breathe properly so I didn’t know if I would be able to even sing the part that Baby Spice does but when I put the mic to my lips to get ready to attempt to sing I catch Draya looking at me our eyes lock and for some reason I can breathe again, my heart is still hammering in my chest but for a whole different reason and when Baby Spice’s lines come up on the screen I am able to sing them seamlessly. I get through the whole song without a single mistake it was like when I looked at Draya’s eyes every one else in the room disappeared.

I let out a sigh of relief when I came down off the stage and returned to the safety of Draya’s lap.

“You did beautifully darling I am proud of you for trying something new.” she says putting her arms around my waist.

“Don’t expect me to do that very often I hated having that much attention on me. Fame and fortune? No thank you I am perfectly happy to fade into obscurity!”

“Nevertheless I like seeing you come out of your shell my little tortoise.” Draya said with affection.

“Think I like the nick names Darling and Princess better.” I grumbled

The boys were sitting at a table near by, piled high with every item on the appetizers menu. Honestly it was gross, boys are gross. They were currently seeing who could eat the most hot wings; winner got bragging rights and didn’t have to pay for the food. It didn’t seem worth it to me. Brian won and then proceeded to attempt to down the entire pitcher of root beer; his mouth must be on fire.

“Brain stop that won’t help. Try eating some of the potato munchers with the ranch or maybe even the potato skins.” advised Tracy

“Raquel go over to the counter and see if they have any milk or if not then sliced lemons or limes and maybe a cup of ice.” Jeff said. Raquel did as he said returning a little while later carrying a cup full of ice and a small bowl of lemon wedges. Jeff thanked her as he took the cup “Here Brian put one of these lemon wedges on your tongue it should help neutralise the capsaicin by binding with them.” Jeff explained

Brain did what Jeff told him to and then proceeded to thank both Jeff and Raquel for their help. I could hear Phil mutter to Forest “He thinks that is bad wait until he has to go to the bathroom” and they both snicker. I shake my head stupid boys. I will never understand why teen boys do the things they do. I remember how last year one of the jocks chugged an entire bottle of hot sauce on a dare and regretted it. I took pity on him buying him a carton of whole milk and a banana the remedy my mom always recommended for relief from spicy foods. He thanked me and sat with me for the rest of the lunch period but we never really talked to each other after that, I don’t even know where I found the courage to talk to him at all but it doesn’t matter as I said nothing came of it.

Currently there were a couple of guys clearly drunk and slurring the words to ‘All Star’ by Smash Mouth the boys were huddled over their table and they seemed to be discussing something then Phil scampered off somewhere. It became obvious what he had done when all four boys took the stage and began to sing the song “I Swear” by John Michael Montgomery. My friends were lapping it up and swooning over it and honestly it was actually incredibly sweet of the boys to sing a love song to them. It’s cliché but it’s not something you see much anymore except in movies mostly rom-coms and when they were done and came down off the stage to sit down at their table their girlfriends sat with them feeding each other food and acting all cutesy with each other.

“Would you like something to eat princess? You haven’t eaten since lunch and that was hours ago. I would be happy to go order something for you.”

“Sure a BLT with a side of onion rings and a water would be great.” I said removing myself from Draya’s lap so she could get up and go order the food. After a little while came back carrying the food and drink.

I was half way through eating when suddenly Draya was taking the stage. She must have signed up when she went to get the food. She sang the song ‘Wanted’ by Hunter Hayes and it made my heart swell with happiness and love for her. When she she came down from the stage as soon as she was in reach I threw my arms around her and covered every inch of her face with kisses leaving her lips for last “That was so sweet of you angel thank you.”

“I am happy you enjoyed it.”

My friends got up on stage this time with out me they sang “Me and You” by Kenny Chesney. The boys seemed to love it. As the night went on a feeling began to develop in side me to go up on that stage all by myself and sing a song for Draya which ordinarily I would never in a million years do and truthfully there was a part of me screaming ‘are you crazy you don’t want to go up there you hate being the center of attention’ but another part of me was saying ‘do it come on stop being a tortoise come out of that shell and forget about being the center of attention because the only person’s attention you give a damn about is Draya so do it for her’ that part won out in the end. I stood up “I’ll be right back nature calls.” I lied; I wanted to surprise Draya. I went up to the DJ and told him the song I wanted “Ok you’ll be the last one of the night.” he said. I smiled at him and made my back to Draya trying to ignore the voice in my mind yelling ‘what have I done what was I thinking’

When it was time for me to go up on stage my heart was beating like the wings of a frightened bird, my hands were sweating again and shaking too and my breathing was becoming difficult but when I was standing up on that stage and I looked out and locked eyes with Draya all my nerves evaporated. When the words to ‘every time we touch(slow version)’ came up on the screen I was able to sing it effortlessly. When I finished I let out a sigh of relief again but was smiling.

“Darling that was…was…” and then Draya pulled me into a gentle yet passionate kiss.

“I didn’t think I did that good.” I said when we broke the kiss.

Draya leaned forward and whispered in my ear “No you are far better.”

I couldn’t help but to smile and am still smiling as we walk outside. I bid my friends goodbye and then Draya takes me home walking me to the door and giving me a kiss “See you later tonight darling.”

I nod and go inside.

“I’m home.” I announce.

“We’re in the living room sweetie.” Says my mother’s voice.

I go to the living room where my mom and dad are watching family feud and I join them.

“So how was karaoke night?” my dad asked.

“It was good, I actually got up to sing a couple of songs.”

“Really?” Says my mom.

“Yeah it’s just a couple of songs no biggie.”

“I disagree.” said my mom.

“Mom don’t make a bigger deal out of this than it is it’s nothing.”

“Alright if you say so.” my mother said but I knew that tone she was letting it go for now but would be bringing it up later and it will probably be when I least expect it but I didn’t really care right now. I watch the bonus round with them and then go to bed.

I smile when Draya enters through my bedroom as usual. She crawls into bed with me greeting me with a kiss well actually lots of kisses. I stop kissing for a moment to let out a yawn.

“Are you tired princess?” Draya says with an small smirk.

“A little.” I admit.

“Maybe you should sleep.”

“Yeah okay, but it’s my turn to be the little spoon.”

“I know come here.” she says talking me into her arms.

We lay there for awhile before she speaks again “I was glad to see you come out of your shell today.”

“I am glad I came out too.” and I really am.

“That I song you sang really was quite nice and you sang it so wonderfully.” Draya said.

“I liked the one you sang too…speaking of which do you think you could sing to me to help me fall asleep.”

“What would you like to hear?”

“Do you know you know the Disney beauty and the beast song?”

“I actually do happen to know that song.”

“Yeah I think I would like that song.”

“Okay.” then she began to sing

“Tale as old as time

True as it can be

Barely even friends

Then somebody bends


Just a little change

Small to say the least

Both a little scared

Neither one prepared

Beauty and the Beast.

Ever just the same

Ever a surprise

Ever as before

Ever just as sure

As the sun will rise.

Tale as old as time

Tune as old as song

Bittersweet and strange

Finding you can change

Learning you were wrong.

Certain as the sun

Rising in the east

Tale as old as time

Song as old as rhyme

Beauty and the Beast.

Tale as old as time

Song as old as rhyme

Beauty and the Beast.”

I was lulled to sleep by my beloved Draya’s voice.

THE END story will continue in the story titled Road Trip ( Week In The Country)

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