The Future 

School just ended. It was a little foggy that day. I was walking home with a group of friends when i decided to take a shortcut through the woods. are you sure you know a shortcut yes I’m sure jane. It’s starting to get really foggy maybe we should turn around. No! Billy look. It’s a van it looks like it’s abandoned. Let’s go check it out. Are you sure about this guys uuu quit being a baby jane. Then i heard rustling in the bushes. Hello is there anybody there?then a big tall thing stood up. GO GO! We stared the van up then we off with the big thing chasing the van.TURN TURN! I got you the first time! Then we crashed in to a tree. Every body okay ya they all said. That thing is still chasing us. Let’s make a ran for it. We stared raning. Then I saw the monster not far behind. Then my feet got stuck in something sticky and wet. It was mud. I tryed to get out but it just broth me down further. Then I heard plonk and Matthew disappeared then anther plop jane disappeared then plop Beth disappeared then that men’s I’m going down. Then I saw the monster just as I went down in to the mud. Then I heard jane Matthew Beth yelling my name. Billy Billy. Am I died no your not died silly. I opened my eyes and looked around it was beautiful. There was shy scrapers big buildings. The sky was blue. Was I dreaming. Then I saw a bird but it wasn’t a bird it looked like a human but that in possible. We followed the flying human. Wich led us to the big buildings. There were millions of people walking around. Then ever single person started staring at them. Then they just kept walking and going with there day. I was surprised. Then I got a closer look at the flying human. The human was wearing a Jetpack of some sort. That’s so cool I wonder how they got that to work I tryed to make one let’s say now there’s a hole in are wall. Then the man with the Jetpack stared walking towards us hay kids what are you doing. Stared to panic. Um um. We where just looking around Jane quickly said. Aren’t you supposed to be in school? SCHOOL we all lead at the some time! We’re new could you point us in the direction of the school? Ya sure. Over there wait, you mean the building behind that one right nope, that’s it. Wow that’s a huge school. It’s bigger than the inside. Then we stared to walk to the school maybe we could find out some information about where we are. When we got there there were millions of kids. We went in to the school wow it’s huge the font desk was as big as my bedroom. The hole school was bigger then my house. The elevator was just a circle that went up and down It was so cool. I wish my school was that big and cool but no I get the worst school and smallest one ever. We went to the font desk would you like your schedule yes ma’am thank you ma’am. We need to go up the elevator to get to our first classroom. Our first class was science. Ya Jane said science is my favorite subject when we walked into the classroom everybody was seated in a desk. There were four desks that were empty. We all sat down at the empty for desk then the teacher walked in hello class today. We are going to be learning about dinosaurs as you you’ll see. We are going to take a field trip back in time to wear dinosaurs live on the earth. What does he mean he probably just means metaphorically. Then when I turned around, we weren’t in the classroom anymore. We were in this dusty desert and I saw this big thing running towards us. It was a T-Rex. Oh no T-Rex. It ran right into use but it just ran through us. Wow it a hologram that’s so cool. Then after that it was music you just tell the what to do it awesome. Then library and you open a book and you know what it is like a play we also had some other stubjets. When school ended we were all hungry. We found a restront I got a burger and fries Jane got a sandwich matteiw got a salad Beth got a salad to. When we were done eating we were tried but we had no were to sleep. When we came out of the restront we saw a house with a sing that said Billy Jane Beth Matthew’s house. What we all seed at the same time. We walked up to the house and opened the door it it was amazing there was a couch a tv there were four bedrooms my room had a cowboy poster just like the one I had in my room at home in Jane’s room there was a desk With trinkets and stuff Beth had a dog and a dog bed and dog toys and of course Matthew is had math, posters notification, chart, and stuff like that. It was so cool. It was like being back at our houses. Our parents weren’t there and it was a completely different world. We all went into are rooms. I wake up at 10:00 i went to the kitchen to make breakfast I made a waffle then Jane Beth and Matthew came in some thing smells good it’s the waffles I love waffles. Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmm it’s so delicious more serup please. School is about to start go get dressed. Let’s go came on we don’t want to be late I never thought I would ever say that in my life. When we got to school I was so excited I wonder what new is adventure awaits.

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