Submitted by DarthChesnee
Write a scene where your main character has no control over their facial expressions or laughter. Instead, someone else controls them.
The Unintentional Puppet Master.
“Sunny steps back, a look of terror on her face, when suddenly, she starts laughing, for her terror had been a mask to reveal her true intentions!” I look back at my writing, a satisfied smile playing on my lips. This is only the rough draft, of course, but I like where it is going.
I step back out of fear, a look of terror on my face as I realize what exactly Julie had done to wind up in a jail cell. She starts begging she’s innocent and that she was framed. I can’t believe her! She has to be lying.
But suddenly, I start laughing. Wait. Why am I laughing? I try to control my face but it’s suddenly like I can’t control any of my facial expressions. The sensation spreads until I feel like I’m watching from a screen, not actually controlling anything.
Julie steps back from where she was clutching the bars desperately, she looks at me, full of distrust. “Why are you laughing?!”
I feel my own mouth speaking but I’m not saying anything. “Oh you still haven’t figured it out yet? Well, either way, no one would believe you.” These aren’t my words!
“You… you betrayed me.” No Julie! I promise you, I didn’t!
I step closer to the bars, “Let me tell you a secret.” My, no, whoever’s controlling me’s voice, drops to a whisper. “I. Killed. Them.” What?! No I didn’t!
I look at Julie’s expression, I can tell now that she is innocent, and I feel guilty for blaming her. How could I doubt my one friend, who’s stuck with me through so mu- YOU KNOW WHAT I HAVE BIGGER PROBLEMS!
“And you’ll be put to death soon enough. Everything’s going according to plan.” What plan?!
I remember something suddenly, but it makes no sense. I remember locking a door? Wait, but then I have a memory of me on a cliff, throwing a match onto the building below me. The building goes up in flames.
Just how the three were killed. Trapped in a burning building.
I can’t describe it but it’s similar to reading a bit. The author chooses when to reveal memories or facts. It’s like I’m reading my own story as it’s being written, but I’m not the one writing it.
I’m not even paying attention anymore to what my body is doing, I’m thinking about how this could be possible. Who is ‘writing my story’?
I hope that’s just a metaphor.
How did I even get those memories? I was in my bed reading at the time of the burning building. Also, I would never kill anyone.
Ah shit I got a plot hole. Let me just edit this part and switch point of views quicker so that there’s time for the building to be burned by Sunny.
Great. All set.
I grin at Julie. “No one will believe you even if you try to tell, so don’t bother.”
Everything is going perfectly according to plan.
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