The Rumour
Write a short story that centres around the spreading of a rumour.
Judges Of Man
_There’s a rumor going around, about those people who’ve died…._
_They’ve been murdered, of course, but by whom?_
_Some say it’s God, making them pay for their crimes._
_But some are innocent!_
_For now! Maybe God sent his angels to kill them off?_
_Angels wouldn’t kill in such a bloodly way._
_But the bodies!? Where did they go._
_Well, whatever’s going on, this isn’t the work of God or angels._
**_This is the work of Satan himself._**
Jack had a thought, a thought that made him smile.
His three lovers were busy at the moment. All in their respectful quarters. Thomas was probably busy sketching an old body he liked looking at. Holland, from what Jack could smell, was cooking dinner and Thomas’ separate stew. And Adon was most likely outside of Jack’s office door, waiting for when he could come inside and beg for attention.
Jack sighed, leaning back in his leathered recliner. Such a wonderful life he had.
Such a wonderful life.
Jack wanted to share is thought with them all, but that would wait for dinner, when the eyes of them all would be on him.
“Come in, Adon.”
Adon quickly opened the door and shuffled to Jack, wearing one of Jack’s shirts and Holland’s sweatpants. Jack scooted back to invite small, little Adon onto his lap. The man sat and curled into Jack like a cat. Jack stroked him as such, fingers trailing the tips of Adon’s ears and the start of his dark forehead. Adon made a noise close to a purr and closed his eyes.
“How was your day today, Adon? More importantly, how was work. Did you find more information that could aid us in our next endeavor?” Adon worked at the local police station as an assistant to the Chief. Also, the man was very good at the art of stealth and steal, finding files of past convicts that they could hunt.
Jack loosed his hand a bit, making feather-like caresses on Adon’s skin. Adon was half-asleep at that moment, but shook himself and nodded. “Yes! I found someone by the name of Harry Fiver,” Adon straightened as gave Jack a smile, “He was arrested for sexual assault and murder of his six-year old daughter. He was let go earlier this year, but his ex-wife is still angry about the whole affair. She wishes he served more time.”
Jack stilled in his stroking. “How much time did he serve?”
“18 years.”
Jack grinned. It seemed his thought would fully form into reality indeed. “Good work, Adon,” he kissed the man, who giggles at the softness of them, and stood, carrying Adon in his arms, “I believe it’s time for dinner.”
Harry took another swig from his beer, before laying it down on the bar. It was a long night, a very long night. There was a low murmur beneath the jazz music of the place. Harry felt light-headed, and for once his mind was on something other than his ex-wife’s endless calls and trails. All the older man wanted to do was to get a good lay.
He peeked out of the corner of his eye and saw a lost looking young man with the face of an angel. He smiled.
Perhaps he would get just that.
Harry straightened himself, dusted off some imaginary dust off his booze stained shirt and sucked in his stomach. He was still lean, and, in his opinion, good looking despite the white that streaked his dark hair. It couldn’t be that hard. Get the angel-man a drink or two, strong of course, then tumble into bed with him, tying his arms in case of a struggle.
“Hello there, you seem to be lost. Can I help you?” Harry patted himself on the back inwardly. Good act, good act indeed.
The young man blinked, his blond, almost transparent lashes fluttering across his startling blue eyes. “Oh, yes, um…I need help finding the nearest hospital—it’s where my mother is stationed, and I’m new to the part of town.”
Harry nodded, seeming to be understanding. _Score!_ He said to himself, grabbing the young man’s shoulder. He flinched at the contact, but that made Harry grip tighter; he wasn’t about to lose a chance like this one.
“Don’t worry,” Harry guided the young man out of the bar and into the cold, lamp lighted streets, “I’ll get you there in a jippy! We can go in my car.”
The young man paused. _Fuck Harry_, he scolded himself, _that was too pushy. You scared him. _
But when Harry looked back at the angel-man, he jumped. There was a large grin upon his face, his blue eyes suddenly dark and sinister. The man licked his lips. “I don’t think that would be possible, Mr. Harry. You see, one of my loves wants you dead. The other wants your flesh. And the last one really wishes to go home and take his bubble bath.”
Harry took a step back and froze when a strong chest bumped into him from behind. Large hands gripped his shoulders, preventing him from escaping.
_Oh shit, oh SHIT!_
The angel-man continued forward, a syringe held like a knife between his long fingers. “And I don’t want to keep him waiting.”
_(Sooo. I haven’t done one of these stories in a long time. Also, you might recognize two characters in this if you’ve read some of my other stuff!_
_Thanks for reading and have a great day!)_