
Write a scene where something chaotic is happening.

Never Ending Fire

Flames boil and burst around Elenor as she sips her evening tea. She slightly burns her tongue with the honey sweet tea and scowls.

“MOM CHRIS STABED ME AGAIN!” Her youngest daughter Rose complained with blood tickling from her abdomen. Elenor sighed at her whiny daughters complaint and set her tea down on the snow rim causings a charming clink to erupt.

“Christopher what have I told you about stabbing your sister? Your supposed to be an angel, not a grimey devil. And Rosalina no more setting fires! I’ve already been fined by the fighter angels 10 times this month.” Elenor scolds her naughty children with an authoritative tone. Rose looks down and grips her wrist, meanwhile Chris chuckles a hearty laugh and couldn’t care less.

“Christopher.” Elenor says sternly. Chris snaps up into shape and scrambles to apologize.

“Ha ha sorry mom! Yep I will tooootally never stab Rosie again ha ha, Scouts honor!” He does a mock solute to prove his honesty much to Elenor’s dismay. She sighs and shakes her head while crashing a palm against her face. The bright hue of the fire disappears as the fire angels put out the swirling fire started by Rose. And Elenor sighs for another day of hell in heaven.

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