Love Triangle

We started the day

As a group of three

Best friends, Andy,

Ramona and me

Our annual camping trip

To Lake Maguire

The best place for fishing

And blazing campfires

That night we drank beers

And sang songs round the pit

Til Ramona dared us each

To share a secret

“I love you,” said Andy

“Me too” I chimed in

And Ramona just laughed

With a wide drunken grin

But now it’s the morning

And all of us sober

And we’ve had time to think

Our confessionals over

I wake up quite late,

Still feeling my beer

To find Mona and Andy

Sitting out on the pier

I keep distance, unable

To hear what they’re saying

Their whispers so soft

It sounds almost like praying

I catch words here and there

“Nice” “love” “gone”

And I start to grasp

What I think’s going on

After a while,

Andy gets to his feet

As he turns I can see

His face looking beat

He’s fighting back tears

As he runs to the tent

And disappears under

A pile of blankets

Ramona turns around

Catching my eye

“Oh, good morning Peter,

Can we talk, you and I?”

Her tone is so somber

If I’ve understood

Whatever she’s saying

Cannot be good

I smile and nod

But inside my head

I feel my thoughts filling

With terror and dread

I wish I could curl up

Swim away like a duck

But she’s beckoning over…

Ok, wish me luck

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