Your character wakes up one day with the ability to hear the thoughts of those around them.
How will you take this typical sci-fi idea and make your own narrative interesting?
Sally hiked in the woods every day. She loved nature and all the animals. It would be grand to talk to the animals she thought.
She followed a friend to school and caught up to her. “Hi, Lee Ann,” she called.
“Hi Sally,” said Lee Ann. “It’s nice to see you;here we go for another school day.”
“I have biology first period today. It’ll be a good day!” said Sally skipping.
“I have gymnastics after school today. I look forward to that,” said Lee Ann.
They continued on quietly as they pondered their day. Plus neither were wide awake on the way to school.
The school bell rang as the students arrived in their classes. “Good Morning Mr. Sampson,” said Sally.
“Welcome to Biology Sally,” said Mr. Sampson. “Read the board and begin your lesson.”
Sally sat down to do her lesson on ecology which is the study of interactions between living things and their environment. She answered the definition to ecology and answered what her favorite living thing was.
“Class, who wants to share their favorite living thing? said Mr. Sampson after he whistled to get the classes attention.
Sally raised her hand. “Sally,” said Mr. Sampson as he pointed to Sally with his pencil.
“Mine is everything in the woods, but mostly a squirrel,” said Sally. Other children said zoo animals and plants like the jack in the pulpit.
“Today is Friday and we’re going on a field trip behind the school,” said Mr. Sampson. “We’ll be walking on trails, so let’s get ready to go.”
The students packed their back packs and stood by the door. When they arrived outside Sally saw LeeAnn playing soccer during gym class so she waved at her. Lee Ann waved back.
Mr. Sampson described many living things along the trails and identified some plants and rocks. He showed the students guide books and told the students he’ll have the website on the board if any are interested in buying some for themselves.
It turned out a wonderful day and Sally returned home to nap. She dreamed wild dreams of understanding animals and talking to animals. She woke frightened with a fairy on her chest.
“Hello Sally,” said the fairy. “My name is Merciful. You are studious and you love animals and I’d like to give you a blessing.”
“Wow sure. Thank you,” said Sally though Sally didn’t know what the blessing was because the fairy flitted away as quick as it came. Sally went on her usual walk in the woods near her house.
Saturday came and Sally began hearing birds and animals talk. The sounds were similar except now she understood. The bluebird said,”There isn’t much feed in the feeder today.” Sally went to the cupboard and took the birdseed out to the feeder. “Wow! This is great it’s like she heard us,” said the bluebird. Sally kept quiet about her blessing.
An hour later she hiked in her favorite woods. She heard the weasels talking as they crossed the trail from the water to the field. She saw a squirrel climbing a tree. “Hello,” Sally said to the squirrel.
The squirrel twitched and twisted around to see who said words in his language. The human said something it thought, but I understood it to say hello. Weird! The squirrel thought. “Hello,” the squirrel said.
“Oh marvelous we understand each other just like Merciful said,” said Sally. “This is the best blessing ever!”
“What is your name?” said Sally to the squirrel. The squirrel didn’t talk. “I know I’ll name you Scurry.”
“Scurry? I like that name,” said the squirrel. “Animals don’t give their young names. Thank you.”
“I love squirrels will you be my friend?“ said Sally down on her knees.
“Yes,” said the squirrel as he climbed on her shoulder.
They played in the woods for awhile then Sally said, “It’s time for me to go home. I hope to see you tomorrow.”
The next day on the way to school Sally said,” Lee Ann would you like to come to the woods with me after school today?”
“That should work I don’t have gymnastics today,” said Lee Ann.
All day at school Sally couldn’t sit still as she couldn’t stop thinking about her blessing and the woods.
Sally and Lee Ann hiked to the woods behind Sally’s house giggling after school. Sally saw Scurry and talked to him and amazed Lee Ann. She interpreted for Lee Ann and the animals. They enjoyed their hike.