Submitted by Celaid Degante


Write about a character leaving something, or someone, they love.

In Another Life

Dear Love,

I apologise for not having the courage to say this to your face. I always was a coward.

It’s not you, it’s me. I’m a mess and I simply can’t do this no more. I must go. I must move on from this life.

I love you endlessly… I always have, since the moment our eyes met. I knew you were the one, my love, my best friend, my hero.

I know we will meet again, in another life, some other time. I promise I’ll be better then. I won’t be this depressive being that you see everyday, I’ll be happier, knowing my life beyond this one will be peaceful, the voices in my head won’t get to me no more.

Don’t forget me, as I know I will never forget you and I’ll be awaiting the day I can see you again.

In another life…

I love you with all my heart.

Yours truly,


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