

She was running as fast as her legs could carry her in this condition. She had to get away from the absolute onslaught that was going on behind her. She had to find him. She knew he was here, but where. She stopped in the midst of the forest, dark and silent except for the far away cries of soldiers fighting. Her golden sunset curls whirled around her and clung to her forehead as she frantically searched for him. He said he’d be here.

“Straea.” She heard his voice, calming and gentle, just above a whisper. She whirled around and there he was. He’s certainly been fighting as well. He had blood splattered and smeared across his face and chest. His sword still had blood dripping from it, a reminder that he’s taken the lives of her fathers peoples. She _shouldn’t_ be here. Her father would send her out and disown her if he knew.

“You made it.” She breathed, leaping for him and grasping his shoulders looking for any signs of injury. She didn’t make it out of the battle un-injured. One of the other down solders managed to get a good slice of her leg before she slammed her own sword into his head, finishing him off before she made a break away for the forest from where this battle was taking place. “Don’t. You. Dare! Every do anything like that again.” She smacked his chest, letting him have a piece of her mind once she was sure he was perfectly fine. He only chuckled and grasped her hands in his, kissing the backs of her hands.

“I give you my word princess.” He looked up at her, giving her a cheeky smile, knowing she hated when he called her that. Though that is what she is. Their fathers kings of rivaling countries, one trying to take over as much land, money and people as they can; the other just trying to do what’s good for the people. His father is the one raiding villages every other day, taking what they can. Her father trying to stop him.

“Oh you-“ she yanked her hands back, still mad at him risking his life for her. It was a dangerous game they play looking for each other on the battle fields. If they get caught, it’s a life or death situation. No one can know. Not yet. It’s their plan to come forward eventually and make their fathers listen to them, to sit down and talk, so that they can officially be together. To bring the two kingdoms together as one. But they promised each other to never risk their lives for each other. No one would understand, and he would be imprisoned for treason, her locked away in the castle like her father wants her.

She only threw her little temper tantrum for a second. She can never stay mad at him. He was only trying to save her. She finally sighed, pulling him in, wrapping her arms around his neck as he lifted her. The hug is what she needed to settle her nerves. Calming every anxious thought. Stopping every dark feeling. When she was in his arms she was free. Free from being a princess. From being the only heir to her fathers kingdom.

“I was only doing my duty and saving my damsel in distress.” He quipped, making her pull back to glare at him. But it only lasted a second before she kissed him, pulling him in by the back of his neck. Just for a moment.

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