Writing Prompt
Inspired by Emira
Two people from warring kingdoms have fallen in love.
If you've ever wanted to write your own take on a classic romance trope, now's your chance. Which elements of this genre will you explore to make your story unique?
King Conrad sits in his throne studying a map. The King, usually put together, is desheved as he runs his hand through his hair. His forehead wrinkled and his black/grey hair sits messily under his crown. Leonard, the King’s right hand man walks in and bows and then stands up.
“Here is your daughter as you asked, Sir.” Leonard says.
“Thank you, Leonard.”
Princess Alanna walks in wearing a beautiful red dress with a gold crown with rubies and pink diamonds in it. He hair is long and dark and put up into a simple yet elegant ponytail. Her skin is flawless as is the rest of him her body. Anyone could fall for her based on looks alone.
“You wanted to see me, father?”
“Yes, sit next to me and watch me deal with a prisoner.”
“Captain Taylor, send in the prisoner.”
The Captain walks out of the room and returns with 4 guards. Two of which carry a prisoner. The prisoner is around Alanna’s age. His hair even messier and more disheveled than her fathers. Blood drips down both sides of his face. One of his legs appears broken. His face covered in gnarly bruises.
“He won’t talk, sir.” One of the guards said.
“I t-told you, I don’t k-know what my… my father’s p-plans are.”
“Wait the prisoner is the prince-“
“Yes, my darling.”
The king turns his attention back on the prisoner.
“You better tell me what I want to know or you will continue to suffer.”
The prisoner remains silent.
“Father, no. What will happens if you accidentally kill him? His father will retaliate harder than ever and our kingdom will suffer.” Alanna says\
“Dammit, she’s right. Take him to the medical bay or we may never see the end of this God forsaken war.”
The guards take the prisoner out of the room.
“Captain Taylor, once he’s done in the medical bay take him to the dungeon.”
Captain Taylor nods and leaves.
Later that night, Alanna sneaks down to the dungeon. She walks over to the cell with prisoner from earlier. She holds a medical bag. The prisoner opens his eyes. The blood on his face harden and the bruises looking even more gnarly. His leg is swollen.
“What do you want?” He asks as he spits out some blood.
“I knew my father lied about getting you medical attention.” She says taking the key from the guard that fell alseep.
She opened the cell and and sat next to him. She opens the bag and pulls out a cloth and some disinfectant.
“This might sting a little bit.”
He winces as she rubs the cloth against the side of his face. His piercing brown eyes meet her hazel eyes.
“My name is Alanna. What is yours?”
“You don’t know my name?”
“My father thinks I’ll be safer if I don’t know anything about our rivals. Though I don’t see the harm in knowing your family’s names seeing as I’m not allowed to leave the castle anyway. I do know your father’s name, but my father doesn’t know that.”
“Sounds like we grew up with same rules.”
“Everyone wants to be a royal, but they don’t know the price that comes with it.” Alanna says.
“My name is Wes.”
Alanna pulls out some bandages and puts them on his wounds. She pulls out an ice pack and hands it to him.
“It should help the swelling.” She says
“Thanks” he says.
Alanna turns her head to the entrance of the dungeon.
“What is it?”
She hears voices getting closer.
“Shit, it’s Captain Taylor.”
Wes gives her a look.
“What?” She says packing up the medical supplies.
“You cussed.”
“I’m just shocked, my father taught us that royalty shouldn’t cuss.”
“My father taught me the same thing, but as you can tell, I’m not a stickler for the rules.”
“Another thing we have in common. Fuck, they’re almost here.”
Now it’s Alanna’s turn to give him a look.
“What, you didn’t think I actually listen to my father, did you?”
She laughs quietly and rolls her eyes and she leaves his cell.
She puts the keys back into the guards pocket.
“I don’t want you to get in trouble Edmund.” She says to the sleeping guard.
She pokes him to wake him up and swiftly leaves before he sees her.
“Edmund! Were you sleeping on the job again?” Captain Taylor asks.
“No Sir.”
Captain Taylor looks at Wes.
“He wasn’t.”
“You’re lying.”
Wes looks at him perplexed.
“You’re all fixed up, and what’s this?”
Captain Taylor takes the ice pack.
“The Princess.” He says looking at the guards behind him.
He turns back to Wes.
“Let’s go to the interrogation room again and see if you will spill your father’s secrets.”
“I told you, I don’t know anything. My father doesn’t confide in me.”
“We’ll see about that.”
Alanna quickly hops back into bed before her personal maid comes to wake her up. She hears a knock on her door and puts on a tired voice.
“Come in, Gracie.”
A plump woman with greying dark hair and warm smile walks in.
“Good morning, your majesty.”
“Good morning.”
“Once you are ready, the king would like to see you in the throne room.”
Alanna walks into the throne room.
“Alanna, Captain Taylor says you helped the prisoner last night.”
“He doesn’t know what he’s talking about.”
King Conrad holds up the ice pack she gave Wes.
“Alanna! A princess-“
“A princess does not cuss. I know father, I’m sorry.”
“No more fraternizing with the prisoner, you hear.”
“His name is Wes, and if you keep torturing him you are going to kill him.”
“That is not your problem, sweetie.”
“It is my problem, I am the future queen and I want my kingdom to have a future, a bright one.”
“I forbid you from seeing him. That’s the end of it.”
“But father-“
“The. End. Of. It.”
Alanna leaves the throne room in a huff. She goes to the highest tower and goes into a room that has a desk with a map of the stars and various concoctions in bottles on a bookshelf and a couldron next the desk. A woman sleeps at the desk.
Calista jumps up as she hears her name. Calista has cocoa brown skin and brown eyes with a shaved head. She wears a scarf with an intricate design over a simple black dress.
“What do you need, Princess?”
“I need your healing capabilities. A prisoner, he will die with my father continuing to torture him.”
Calista nods.
“Take me to him.”
Calista follows her to the dungeon to Wes’s cell. Inside Wes lays unconscious.
Alanna takes his wrist.
“Hurry, Calista. He’s barely breathing.”
Calista hovers her hands over him and shuts her eyes. She starts speaking in a strange tongue that doesn’t sound like any human language. Suddenly, Wes’s injuries disappear. Alanna see’s his face and her heart races.
“Wow.” She says
Wes wakes up.
“Wow what?” He says
“I’ve just- this is the first time I’ve seen what you look like.”
“You like what you see?”
Alanna blushes.
Wes laughs. He looks toward Calista.
“Who is this?”
“This is the royal mystic, Calista. She healed you.”
“Thank you.”
Calista nods
“You’re welcome, your majesty.” She says to Wes
Suddenly Calista gets a shiver and her eyes turn black, pupils and all. Within seconds they are normal again.
“What is it Calista?”
“What’s going on?” Wes says.
“She just got a vision.”
“It’s nothing you need to worry about. I need to return to my room.”
“Wes, let’s go to the gardens and talk. Follow me.”
“He’s going to be trouble for us.” Calista says as Alanna and Wes leave.
Victoria wasn’t interested in boys, or rather, men. She was interested in books and learning, but since it was 1523, women weren't really supposed to be doing either. They were meant to be “good housewives.” She thought it was ridiculous and never listened to any of the rules her father, the king, set.
As war loomed, the king sought peace with the rival kingdom. He decided to offer Victoria as a wife to their future king, Alex. The rival kingdom accepted. The King was ecstatic, not only to find peace but to find someone to keep his daughter “in line” from being “unruly” and “disobedient.”
Victoria was trained to be elegant, and while she did adapt, she never lost her snark and wit. As the day came for her to leave, she was a nervous wreck, but she had to go. The carriage ride was long and difficult. Finally, she arrived. Prince Alex stood waiting with a sly smirk, his parents inside the castle tending to business.
“Ah… Princess Victoria, it is nice to meet you, my lady. You are just as beautiful as they described.”
Victoria's hands were sweaty as she stepped from the carriage. Her dark locks bounced with each movement. She noted the way Prince Alex's eyes roamed over her. She mustered a smile, feeling it a mask to hide her true self.
"Your Highness," she replied, her voice barely a whisper. She curtsied low, her skirts rustling. Rising, she met his gaze, and for a moment, they stood in unspoken challenge.
Her gaze drifted to the castle, its stone walls towering above. She felt uneasy, trapped. As they entered, the grandeur struck her: opulent tapestries, glittering chandeliers, intricate carvings. But the chill in the air unsettled her most.
Prince Alex led her through corridors, his footsteps echoing. They stopped before a large wooden door. He turned, his eyes sparkling with a mischievous glint.
"Your chambers are just through there," he said, voice low. "I trust you'll find it to your liking?"
A shiver ran down her spine. There was something in his eyes that made her blood run cold, something that suggested he knew her.
With a nod, she pushed open the door, heart pounding. Prince Alex followed, his presence filling the room. The room was airy, with tall windows and a four-poster bed. Victoria felt a pang of homesickness.
Prince Alex closed the door, the sound echoing. He turned, and Victoria felt a sense of unease. She was trapped, with no escape from this fate.
Yet, as he approached, her eyes burning with intensity, Victoria felt defiance. She raised her chin, lips parting in a small, defiant smile.
"I am not a toy to be played with, Your Highness," she said. "I am a woman, with my own thoughts and feelings. Do not forget it."
His eyes flashed with anger, but she saw something else: desire.
And Victoria knew, in that moment, that she was trapped in a web of politics and power, with no escape from the desires of the man who now held her in his grasp.
As he reached out, his fingers brushing her cheek, Victoria felt another spark.
And Victoria knew, she was lost.
As the days passed, she grew to trust him... until today.
Alex grabbed Victoria’s waist, pulling her closer. His eyes burned. “You’re mine now,” he growled. “No one else can have you. You belong to me and me alone.”
“I am not property to be owned,” Victoria retorted.
Yet, part of her longed to submit.
Alex leaned close. “You can fight it, but deep down, you know it’s true. You want me. Don’t deny it.”
Victoria shivered as his breath teased her skin.
His hands roamed over her. “I can feel how badly you want me,” he murmured, his lips trailing down her neck. “Your body betrays you, Princess. You can’t hide your desire.”
Victoria gasped, her hands clenching his shirt. She was torn, mind and body at odds. His scent intoxicated.
“Give in to me,” Alex urged. “Let me show you what it really means to be mine.”
He spun her, pressing her back against the wall, kissing her. Victoria tried to resist, but his tongue took her breath, igniting a fire. She found herself melting.
His hands roved her body, exploring every curve. He lifted her dress. “You can’t fight this,” he murmured, his lips grazing her skin. “You’re addicted. Admit it.”
“No,” she whispered.
Her stubbornness fueled his desire. He pushed her towards the bed. “We’ll see how long that defiance lasts,” he smirked.
Victoria tried to back away, but he was too fast. He pulled her onto the bed, his hands pinning her wrists above her head.
“I have plans for you, princess,” he said, voice low and rough. “Plans that will make you submit to me completely.”
His mouth latched onto her neck. He teased the sensitive skin.
His hand moved to the bodice of her dress. With practiced ease, he loosened the ties.
He ran his hand over her stomach, up to her chest. His mouth traveled to her chest, seeking the sweetly sensitive peaks.
He teased them with his tongue until she gasped in pleasure.
He took her reactions as encouragement. His hands shifted, gliding over her hips and around her thighs. His touch was firm, demanding, but not too rough. He wanted her to enjoy this; he wanted her to surrender to him willingly.
He broke off the kiss, his gaze locking with hers as he whispered, "Say you're mine." His fingers teased at the hem of her undergarment.
She tried to resist, but her body betrayed her, her skin warm, her breathing ragged. She gasped softly, "I'm yours."
Alex smiled. He would have her completely. His hand shifted, sliding upwards. He smirked as he felt her jolt at his touch.
He took his time exploring her body. She squirmed beneath him, her hands grasping at his back. "Please," she gasped. "Stop teasing me."
He chuckled, amused. "You're eager, aren't you?"
He didn't deny her. He was claiming her.
The night wore on, and as Alex and Victoria lay wrapped in each other's arms, a sense of contentment washed over them.
Alex looked at her, his gaze softening. “You’re even more beautiful like this,” he murmured. “When you’re not fighting me, not trying to resist.”
Victoria rolled her eyes but couldn't help a small smile from tugging at the corners of her lips. "You're insufferable," she muttered but snuggled closer to him all the same.
As time passed, Alex and Victoria grew to understand each other better. Their differences, instead of being a source of strife, became a source of fascination and admiration.
Part 2 at 50 likes
It was inevitable. Two different sides of a coin. You and me. We knew each other so well.
It was weird, I could smell your scent. That sort of woodsy-flowery scent that made you instantly recognizable to me. Yet, it was being consumed by the smell of blood. The clashing of swords, men and women alike screaming and frantically yelling for their kids, and the pouring rain made it so hard to find you.
There you were. Lying hidden next to barrels of wine and flour. Your sweet handsome face clenched in pain. Your soft yet rough hands trying to stop the blood from gushing underneath you. I stopped, right where I was. In the stinging rain where my heart stopped, afraid yours did too.
All of a sudden I was right next to you. I thought it was the rain but it seems I had started to cry. With one hand over your wound, I used the other to rip the bottom of my skirt to over it up. I was shaking, my mind was running miles, and my heart was heard in my ears. I tried to remain focused on the wound, but your grunts of pain took it away.
“Leave.” He coughed out blood. “Let me go. It’s too late now…” I took a deep breath trying to be faster. My hands going faster as my mind had stopped everything else. I glanced up and saw his glossy eyes. The same eyes that used to be full of love and adventure. I was the coward. I told him I couldn’t leave, not with my family still being here, that they could die. Now here he was, in my arms letting me take care of what my father had done to him.
I closed my eyes and leaned forward with him. The sharp pierce pain cam soon after. The sword, going right through my heart was fast and skilled. I felt a nauseous taste in my mouth combined with blood. We were together, at last. But at what cost.
**_There’d beena reason his father had given him the name Diligence a score and some years ago. Time and time again he’d proven quite deserving of the title; whether it’d been in his navigation of complex court matters or fleeting encounters with the people of his kingdom. A denizen who crossed paths with the prince knew to expect an acutely assiduous manner in addressing a matter of any scale. His grace had never failed him. Ever. It was only the pang of Lady Pride’s words that had robbed him of all certainty in that matter. In hindsight, it was evident she’d never been quite charming per se. Lady she was but like one she did not behave. Her strides, long and heavy as if dragging them in treacle always carried laughter amongst the guards who watched her come and go. Other’s often put a stop to their conversations during supperto make room for her unforgiving laugh. One with a keen eye could sometimes catch Ellis, the lady’s only confidant, rebuking her for her crassness. Unfortunately for her she was met with Pride’s unyielding temper and unsettling glare. Unafraid. Wild. Unyielding. Everything Diligence knew he would not, could not, be. Yet the heaviness between them had been inescapable since her arrival. It had nothing to do with the unceasing feud between their courts, and everything to do with the exchanged glances that often lasted slightly longer than neccessary. The way her gaze often trailed from his eyes, to his lips, and eventually right below his belt brought an undeniable surge of heat to the prince’s face. She’d always followed that with a look of disgust as if to balance out her innate desire; it didn’t fool him though. Diligence did not forget to return the gesture during the convocations held at Amber Castle. With her betrothed, Lord Temperance of Quest, always in attendance, the prince aimed to be discreet. However, it hadn’t taken long to notice how little mind the tepid man paid his lady. His lukewarm temperament painted a very unalluring impression despite the handsomeness of his features. Next to his wife Temperance was but a shadow. Lady Pride sucked all air out the room no matter who was there. **** **** All of this came crashing down on the prince as he recalled the jabs she’d sent his way seconds ago. He’d came like a fool, seeking her out after hearing Lord Temperance was invited to dime with the nobles in Richmond. The town was a ways out, and he knew their return would come late.
**** There is not a single part of me that desires you. _She’s yelled. _Not a fiber of my being that has ever considered you anything beyond an enemy. You hide like a coward behind your rank, behind your people. Their affections validate you; you work tirelessly to please them. Yet when have you ever placed such importance upon yourself? I have no need for a boy who makes sacrifices at his own expense. Now leave me be.**** **** **** Pride sat there uncomfortably after vomiting up the words, shuffling in her seat as if fighting a parasite of regret. Oh yes, prideful she was. She’d never apologize nor cower at the sight of someone else’s pain or ire. Whether she meant the words didn’t matter; she would let him walk away and live quite alright despite his decisiom. It was for that reason precisely that Diligence did not abide by her command. **** **** “I’m the coward? It is not I who is afraid of warmth, of closeness, of feeling. It is not I who scorns my own friend as she attempts to salvage what’s left of my petty reputation” **** Anger was not an emotion dear to the heart of the prince, but in that moment something snapped. The Lady’s pine green eyes widened as he swiftly crossed the room, now but a breaths distance from her face.
“You envy me because I care. You hate that pride is not the ruler of my heart as it is yours. You envy the fact that I’m still here right now and you know I won’t leave until you’ve said your truth.” **** ****“What truth you imbeci-“ **** **** “THAT YOU LOVE ME!” He shouted.
“That you’re angry because since meeting me, since touching ground upon my kingdom you’ve felt nothing but contempt for your betrothed. For the way I am everything he is not, and for the way you know all well I’d give you everything he can’t.” **** ****“Do not speak of him like such. You do not know the man.” **** ****“Oh for Eve’s sake Lady Pride, do you believe me to be a simpleton? He is a safe choice. Lord Temperance is not one to bewilder you with his own ideals, nor is he one to challenge you.” **** ****“And how is this of any concern to you, prince? What does it matter what I want? What I deserve. We are of warring kingdoms, precisely how do you see fit we resolve this?”
The lady snapped her gaze away before Diligence could see her clearlysilver lined eyes.
“Before my arrival the kingdom operated quite fine. You’ll be glad to hear that upon my departure on the morrow all will be as was.“
Disbelief and defeat had engulfed the prince. A part of him knew the was of a complex manner, yet hope had feuled his efforts tonight. In that moment he’d realized he truly stood no chance against the lady’s icy veil.
“_I hadn’t know giving up came so easily to you, given the argumentative name you’ve built for yourself. No longer will I seek you out. Safe travels on your journey, I will not be in Amber upon your leave.” _ _****_With ire filling his entire being Diligence took one last look at the lady he’d grown to love before turning to leave the room. Except when he attempted to do so, he felt her delicate hand grab his elbow and pull him back to her. Before the prince knew it Pride had clutched his collar, pulling him in tightly and planting her warm lips upon his. It felt as though all had ceased to exist in the brief whisper of time that the kiss had lasted. How they’d figure this out and what would come next for the two kingdoms melted away entirely. The prince had not known such bliss since his years as a child.
The taste of her was intoxicating, like black cherry and vanilla bean. She kissed him thoroughly, intentionally, and he made sure to meet each movement of her tongue with the dancing of his own. There was no guarantee another moment alone like such would grace them again. It was for that reason alone that the prince let his guard down entirely. To her he’d yield himself completely, and whether she’d want him again or not didn’t matter. He would kiss her well enough with the hope it might convince her to stay.
All the same, Diligence knew there’d be no way he could stomach her departure after this embrace, no way she’d return to Quest with Lord Temperance. Diligence would take on all the lord’s men until his dying breath if it meant keeping the lady here with him.
With that thought in mind the prince released their embrace, looking at the lady. No signs of regret seemed to show on her face. If anything Pride had seemed almost relieved, as if it’d been something she held back entirely. **** _Looking into her eyes, her soul, Diligence said _ ****“My lady, I do not know what will come of this, what will meet us down the line. But I promise to give you every last bit of me if you’ll allow me to. Pride, be mine. Let me be yours. We’ll face it all together. Just promise me one thing. No more hiding, shame, pride. Let it eat us alive if it must but I do not wish to be apart any longer. Or for you to return to that god forsaken betrothed of yours.” **** _Lady Pride’s head tipped back as she let out a hearty laugh. She retuned the prince’s intense stare, and with the most certainty he’d ever heard from her she responded _ ****“Yours I am, and yours I shall always be Diligence. Now make it count.” **** _With the words lingering in the air, she pushed him onto the bed beside him and let him show her why it would all be well worth it. _ _**
sj doesn't know how it all came to be. how he managed to fall face first for jk.
he grew up knowing his job. his father had raised him as a replacement, and he knew, was aware of it. didn't question it. death was meant to be a cruel man, and sj had tried to play the part. he'd made the pact, let his father go, and took his place with as much pride as his bounded soul allowed.
but jk- jk was naive when he came into this world. had gone against his mother's word and was stuck here now- for eternity.
life was supposed to be a woman, gentle, and beautiful, and fertile. only female offspring were allowed but her son didn't understand, thrust himself into the divine with no one to guide him.
sj was horrified, the world was chaos; jk didn't know how to rule, didn't understand the power he held. sj helped him as much as he could, didn't want to cross the line between life and death.
did so anyway.
jk was captivating, was meant to be life, didn't hold the weight of responsibility, laughed with his chest and cried with it too; he was raised without the fear the rest seemed to have-
sj doesn't think the younger understands. jk was short-tempered despite it all, didn't seem to comprehend consequences,
sj remembers that day still, when he'd burst at jk. snapped out of fear. had felt inferior to it all. jk cursed a human-- for eternity and sj was mortified, tried to make it better but made it so much worse in the end.
he was angry and afraid, and completely lost,
and jk cried, caused disasters and sj felt like a child again, watching as humans suffered because of his ignorance, as Yoongi went about not realizing what sj had done to him, and jk fell into a frenzy.
jk confessed, bright eyes and a nervous grin, and sj's heart swelled in his chest.
but he was death... wilted the flowers jk bloomed, killed the babies jk cooed at, was the hatred people garnered while they grew and learned to love-
they could never be together--
jk clutched onto him, nails digging into his back, tears seeping through his shirt.
He shook when he grabbed the younger arms, the crown on jk's head crumbling, falling onto his fingers, staining his skin.
"jk," he tried to pull him off, looked up to avoid seeing how jk cried.
"jk," He repeated, tugging on the younger's firm hold.
"No- no--" he tightened his grip, and sj could feel jk's sobs vibrate against his chest.
"jk," he tried again, manhandling the younger off.
jk's eyes were cast down when sj finally looked, hands trembling by his side. but he could still see the tears splatter against his white robe, onto the pasture, killing whatever they landed on.
sj's hand twitched, he wanted to reach out. fought himself against it- knew it would ruin it all. jk looked so frail- delicate in the moonlight. skin blanched, afraid.
sj remained quiet, but couldn't bring himself to walk away. he was glued to his spot, feet growing roots and refusing to move, eyes refusing to peel themselves away from jk.
jk looked up- eyes red, cheeks blotchy, lip quivering.
sj's chest tightened, his ears rang- he was truly a weak, weak man
and it was jk's pretty smile when sj reached out, eyes holding galaxies threatening to spill stars,
the giggle when the only thing sj could do was pull him in and kiss away the tears.
thank you for reading and giving this a chance dances
The fates had not written such an ending. And yet Suliena lay in the street, the ground slick with rain as her blood ran in red rivulets between the grey cobbles. She’d heard Nyx cry her name only seconds before the world fell silent around her. As she tumbled to the ground in slow motion, voices and screams muffled like she was locked tight in a glass box, their movements as though they were underwater and not defending their city from its streets. Her memories trickled through an opening of soft light then. Of tanned skin, damp with perspiration between white silk sheets. The smell of earth after rain. The taste of vanilla and cinnamon on lips plump from endless kissing. A laugh, the rumble from his chest as she rested her cheek upon it. Their time together had always been borrowed and yet somehow, as she lay in the street, as her skin grew colder and her consciousness drifted further and further from grasp, Soliena felt the rush of panic that she had been robbed. She could have spent every waking moment with her betrothed and she would still protest at the gates for there had not been enough time. She thought of her mother and father for the briefest of moments, and perhaps if they had understood, if they had taken a moment to see through eyes that were not clouded with desperation for vengeance, then perhaps they could have settled their differences with The Night King. For the sake of their only daughter, at least. For their hunger for power had just caused their last light to blink out once and for all.
Nyx fell to his knees beside the body that lay upon the cobbles, the hard stone biting into his knees as his long sword fell from his grip with a loud clatter. He reached for her, desperate to touch her face and yet his hands were bloodied with the death of her very own men. The men who’d sought to fight for her and her kingdom. His bottom lip trembled with denial as he watched the light blink from her eyes, as the chaos continued to ensue around him like a hurricane of death and destruction. His cheek was shadowed with a bruise from the impact of a fist, and his callouses were torn to shreds from hours wielding the blade. Neither of them had wanted this, had only wanted peace between their kingdoms and yet it seemed that between the families who had fueded for eons, it was only they that suffered, along with the families of the soldiers who had fallen fighting the war that had lasted three centuries. He looked up to the dark sky that swirled with grey cloud, his shoulders dropping in defeat before he bent to his love once more, placing his thumb and pointing finger on her lids to close them softly. “You showed me the light in a lifetime of darkness, rest well my love.”
A ear splitting roar cleaved the world in two as Nyx bellowed, before reaching for his blade and standing to his feet. He turned preternaturally to the onslaught of soldiers, watching from above like a celestial being as he witnessed his body cut through skin, sinew and bone like they were meagre branches on a hike through a forest. By some miracle, he reached the gates to the palace, except it was no miracle for he had become something not of that world as he had watched Soliena die on the cobbles like a plagued street cat. Soldiers fell like dominoes as his forces continued to push, some of their faces turning white like the spirits they were to become as they watched a half man, half monster covered in gore approach them with wrath painted across his expression.
His thoughts left him as he fought his way through the palace, travelling to places only in memory now his other half could not recite them to him no longer. The first night he had met her, how his eyes had roved over her bronzed skin freckled with gold, her obsidian hair in tight coils and eyes like molten chocolate. How she had looked up at him through long black lashes, a dimple forming in her cheek as she had smirked under his gaze. He knew that he’d been in trouble immediately. His knees weakened at her honey-sweet smile, her scent of blackberry and bay, her quick tongue that bit back witty remarks quicker than he had chance to dodge them. Neither of them had known who the other was, and in the underground illegal clubs where citizens of both day and night mingled alike, it had certainly been no place for a prince or a princess. And yet they had found each other, on the very same night, in the very same club like it had been written in the stars for them to meet. For them to fall disastrously in love with one another.
The door to the throne room swung open so hard, the mahogany splintered against the wall as Nyx stormed in, his face a picture of sadistic satisfaction. “Tell me why you don’t fight with your men King Cyrus, but instead hide with the women,” he pulled a second blade from its leather sheath and its metal sang in the echoing hall, “whilst your daughter bleeds out in the cold?” The King’s eyes flared if only for a second, before he regained his composure, standing from his golden throne and balling his hands into fists. “If my daughter is truly dead then it is at your own hands,” “She died fighting your war,” “An honour to her people,” the king growled in response. Nyx could feel the weight of the glass vial in his pocket like solid rocks weighing him down as he shifted in his feet. “Your kingdom will fall,” the king continued, “and Solis will rise, correcting the balance and order in the world once more,” “I will not let you bring harm to anyone else, my people or your own,” Nyx spat, as he watched movement being the king where the women clustered together. A cry broke free from the queen, and her face crumpled like parchment. He watched the whisper spread as news was confirmed to her that her only child lay dead on the streets outside. The King did not even flinch, confirming the rumours that he was used to hearing his own wife cry with pain. “I suppose you are here to get me to surrender in place of your father,” the king said casually, and Nyx shook his head, his eyes darkening. “My father is dead,” Nyx crooned almost tantalising, and the kings eyes flared with hunger. It seemed to happen slowly and then all at once. The shimmer of silver bangles striking at the queen‘s wrist like quicksilver as she approached the king from his rear. But it was not jewellery. It was a blade. She drew the blade quickly across his throat, and his bitter words of arrogance became the gurgling sound of him choking on his own blood. Nyx didn’t have a moment to react as he stood frozen before them, as the queen’s stone face turned to him like a predator. “Carry her light in your heart forever,” she only said, her voice monotone, before thrusting the same knife that had killed her king into her own heart.
Word that both kings were dead must’ve travelled as Nyx left the palace, as soldiers of darkness and light rallied together to tend to the wounded, like a curse bound for centuries had dropped the moment that the body of the last king fell. Nyx walked to his love, reaching one arm beneath her shoulders and the other beneath the underside of her knees, lifting her from her own cold pool of blood. An empty glass vial that once held blackbane, the most fatal venom in existence, rolled from her pocket and smashed on the cobbles beneath them. The Dark King was dead, she had kept her end of the bargain. “We did it my love,” he whispered into her curls, as tears began to prickle at his waterline, “I only wish you were here to see the fruits of your labours. To watch two broken kingdoms be healed as one.”
The new King carried her across the boundary line of his forces, as his own soldiers bowed their head with respect to the woman they would have called their queen.
The End.
Kingdom living in there is like living in heaven when I said to make love that’s what you do it don’t take up on yourself and do it. Let God teach you first before you start loving someone no I do know that when you are love, you are loved by God You can’t just see anything to make a person fall in love with you. Read the Bible I’ll tell you all about love search up the definition and you’ll see what’s the meaning of real love never something that you don’t wanna play with something that you don’t wanna get your heart broken half intoit is something about that word love take a moment to think love the L and Add A D Dove that so powerful Dove let. Fly til it reach the sky you know who wrote this book kai
I remember the first time I saw her. The first time I glanced in those green innocent eyes, that perfect, sweet smiled, and that face covered in a layer of dirt. I remember her curly hair that has grown too long from poor living conditions, the long red hair that only she had. The other ran up the long spiral staircase cobblestone steps, spears in hand. I ran up behind them all. People hollered and gasped as we made our way up the castle. Dim lanterns were hung above as we stopped in our tracks. It was an ambush. The other guards from the other kingdom had gotten here before us. I swung my spear toward them, but they narrowly avoided it with their shield. They wore metal armor with a unique and jagged clothing surrounding it. They whipped their sword around but I hit mine against theirs, knocking them to the ground. The others attacked similar opponents, moving their swords and spears gracefully around and knocking armor off. I slashed my sword in the air, knocking my opponents helmet off. They were already covered in starches, bruises, and large cuts that had dried up blood. They had a long mustache that drooped down from the excessive weight of it. I pointed my sword toward him as he cowered with no more protection left. “I surrender,” he said freakishly. I quickly removed the sword from him, and as I did, I saw her, chained up to the wall as a prisoner. I kept telling myself to stay professional and ignore it, but the feeling only grew. In all my life I had never met someone I had interest for, as there was never any time to be engaged in a real relationship. I stared into her hopeful eyes but they were filled with worry. She had been abused it seemed, with whip marks scattered around her body. Her dress had multiple holes and tears in it and her thin body was covered lots of blood and cuts. I sat down next to her as she tried to cover herself with her hands. She was a delicate soul, clearly hurt and scared from the humans that had mistreated her. It was the unfortunate but very real reality that lived on in these ages, and my body itself was starting to become frail and worn out from war and constant conflict. My hair had turned white from stress with only a few black hairs sticking out left. I clasped her hand which had been limited by chains that wrapped around them. She had scars and marks from them already. “How long have you been here?” I had asked. “I dont’ know,” she replied, simpering helplessly. “I think I was first out here last winter.” My mouth dropped and I tried to get her out of the chains. “Come on, let’s get out of here,” one of the others said. “Wait!” I snapped. “What about her?” “We don’t need her, she’ll die here anyways in another week,” the other guy replied. “What!? You don’t want that and you know it. We should at least try to save her,” I suggested, slightly irritated by his comment. “Fine,” he growled as he moved over and proceeded to move his sword high in the air. Then with a slicing motion, he cut off the chains with the power of his sword, and she was freed. I knew that the kingdom wasn’t going to like the ever growing relationship I had with her, but I didn’t care, and neither did she. As long as we were together, we would always be inseparable.
Tears flow down my face as he held the knife against my throat. It shouldn’t have gone this way, we were supposed to save each other, but instead we destroyed each other. “Aspen. Please.” I begged, my words could barley be heard above the roar of battle outside his door. “I love you.” Something in his eyes softened and he lowered the knife. I took a deep breath taking in all the oxygen I needed. He sat down on a velvet chair that became covered in dust from years of neglect. I sat beside him, not knowing what to say. “We can’t do this Lyla. We can’t pretend anymore.” My head shot towards him as he said this. “Do what?” “This?” His hands went between the two of us and I knew what he saying, and it broke my heart. “Aspen, we can do this, we will get through this. I promise.” “Stop it!” He yelled standing up, clutching the knife in his hand. “We can’t! We can’t do this Lyla! Stop pretending it’s all okay when it’s not!” My heart sank and my chest physically hurt. He was breaking it off, like none of the last four months meant nothing to him. I balled my hands into fists and looked him in the eyes. The memories flashed through my mind like a movie. The day we met, I was in the forest hunting a coroxs and he was hunting me. The corox almost killed me, he killed it. The night we officially met, The Warday ball. I was in a pink gown and he was in a beautiful black tux, his brown hair slicked back in the usall fashion. The way we danced like we were the only people in the room. The day he told me he loved me as we planned a way to bring our kingdoms together, when he kissed me like I was the most precious thing on earth. Now it all meant nothing. He meant nothing. My father was right, never trust a Maloan, they’re too weak to stand a fight. “Fine then.” I picked up the bow and arrow I had thrown to my side and cocked it. I could see his face on the other side of the arrow. “You scared? Good.” I whispered just loud enough for him to hear. “Lyla, please.” “It won’t work Aspen. My people were born and raised to kill, this is what I was created to do.” I let go of the arrow and it wizzed through the air, and landed in his chest with a thud. He sank to the ground and fresh tears reached my eyes, I had no regret, I couldn’t. I am the crowned Princess of Aranon. I had no room for distractions or silly fantasies. I walked to the boy and pulled the arrow out of his chest before whispering. “Never again.”
Today was the day. The day when I would find out which prince was being forced upon me. I never asked to be the most powerful girl in the kingdom, but now I am I can't change it. I wandered downstairs, hoping I wouldn't see what I saw there. The picker. It was an ancient artifact used to pick who people like me, powerful people, married. I stepped up to the machine, hoping beyond hopes it would be someone good. I closed my eyes and mere seconds later I heard gasps. Slowly, I stepped out of the machine, wanting to see what was so shocking. My match was prince Archer, heir to the thrown of Artielien, my country's sworn enemy. The next day, I found myself in a carriage, a sworn enemy to the place I used to call home, and off to marry a prince I'd never met. My eyes burned and tears ran down my face as I arrived at the place I was supposed to call home. Within minutes of my arrival I was fitted in a long white wedding dress and forced down the aisle to a prince I'd never met. "Prince Archer Pendragon Florian do you take Liana Lumiel Rienzi to be your lawfully wedded wife?" the efficient asked the prince I refused to look at. "Yes," her replied happily, gazing at my long silver hair as he said it, no doubt waiting for me to life my head. I barely listened to th efficient as he asked me the same and pronounced us husband and wife, but there was a catch. To complete the ritual from prehistoric times we must have an heir within a year, or die. I looked up at this revolting prince and saw, the most handsome boy I'd ever seen, he was tall, blond and ruffly my age. The second the ceremony was over I ran, but he chased. We talked for hours and hours, he agreed to leave me in peace for one week, but then the torture began. The week passed slowly and soon I was carrying an heir for a man I'd come to hate with a passion, but soon I'd fallen for his brother. I was soon forced to become queen of this vile place though. The people hated me and I hate them back, but there was nothing I could do. I was completely powerless, until one day, a month after my daughter had been born, Caleb, Arther's brother came to me and asked if we could escape, right then and there. I agreed and within a month we were living in the forest near my hometown. Everyone was looking for me, but I didn't care. I was with the man I loved and carrying his child, and for the first time since that fateful day, I was happy, I was free.
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