Image by Dan Meyers @ Unsplash

"We were in love here". Write the story of how your protagonist ended up painting this here.

We were in love here!

We both had a tough start to life. Both our mothers hated our fathers and both our fathers were always at work and never spent time with us. We both had a close relationship with our mothers but never really spent time with them outside of the house. So we took it upon ourselves to make a pact. This pact was made so that we were never apart. We were always together. We were beat friends. But not the typical best friends you’d see on the street hanging out. No we didn’t go to school because our parents couldn’t afford it. We couldn’t work because we were too young.

We spent our childhood in the small cabin far in the woods about an hour away from our home.

We found it when we were exploring, to get away from our parents’ fight. It was a lovely little cabin. Very cosy and isolated. It was far away from the frightening world. When we hung out there we felt as if we were on a desert island that had nothing but the trees, the sky, the cabin and ourselves. It was peaceful.

We spent all day, everyday in that cabin. It was great. We had so much fun. The only way we could eat was to go out and find any type of animal, kill it and cook it over a fire. Our diet usually consisted of squirrels, birds, deers, insects and foxes. We were very intelligent when it came to hunting. He did the killing part and I cooked them. It wasn’t as bad as you may think. It was good enough to survive on.

During our days in this cabin, our bond only grew stronger. We knew everything we could possibly know about each other. There were no secrets. Well that’s what we thought.

Around the age of 17, having lived in the cabin for about 12 years, we both had one secret that we didn’t know about each other. We had both fallen for each other. But we were both too cautious to do anything about it.

A few months later, we were walking in the woods finding our breakfast and we both blurted it out. I guess we couldn’t keep it bottled up anymore.

After that day we wasted no time to be together. When we turned 20 we took an adventure to the city to start a life together. We both got jobs, I was a head chef and he was a builder. We got married a year later. We bought a beautiful apartment. At the age of 25 we had a child. She was beautiful and we called her Autumn. We named her after the season that we wrote on the wall in the cabin. It stated ‘We were in love here’.

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