
How dare you !?

You say you miss me and want me and then disappear.

You acted like I was important,

You included me in your life.

You lie to me and I allow it

I acted like I didn’t clock it.

I admit, I resigned my feelings and became a projection of what you desired.

This entire time you’re acting like I’m making this up in my head.

This isn’t all in my head !!

The silence between us,

This period of no contact,

This game we play,

I’m over it.

Your priorities and mine don’t align,

But I’m intertwined.

I received and accepted your energy.

Knowing we could never be.

I’m so stupid !

I pray I’m haunting you like you haunt me.

I hope thoughts of me disturb your mind and prevents you from sleep and you feel incomplete.

I oversleep with hopes that I see you struggle in my dreams.

Delete me!

I’m done with this wash and repeat.

You creep !!!!!

Ughhhh! What are you thinking ?

What did I do to deserve this high pitch stilly.

I fight myself not to call and lash you with my tongue.

My lungs hurt from the trapped screams unsung.

Would you even care?!

I’d be wasting my breath,

While you stay in stealth.

You acted like what happened between us was my desperate attempt to connect.

You dick !

I hope regret hits you like a brick

I refuse to break,

As the silence tick on.

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